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A boring Cena-Reigns promo set up Dean Ambrose being great both cutting a promo before and during an ass-kicking from the Authority goons. Cena and Roman did nothing - I guess they were busy staring into each others' eyes or something. Miz and Sheamus had a nothing match that was literally so important they ran the complete Battleground IC Title graphics down during it. Miz won after Sheamus missed the kick in the corner and they said "money maker" a billion times. The Authority all had bad acting skits outside of Seth, who wasn't there. They BEGGED people to sign up for the free preview and hyped up subscribing. Dolph faced Fandango in a nothing match that was just an excuse for Summer Lay dancing.


Sandow and Rose did comedy to pimp Sonic (the food, not the hedgehog). Jesus fuck that was terribawful. UCE-OH LOOK OUT! Greatness with the Wyatt beatdown. The Lana-Zeb thing was a blast at times - not worth rewatching though. RVD-Alberto was nothing, and the hype for the Punk doc on the network was a pleasant surprise. Nikk's handicap match was bad, but STING'S WWE 2K15 HYPE VIDEO WAS AMAZING. Orton and HHH acted poorly before they nixed Heyman with Cesaro, who proceeded to lose again - to Big E. So he gets a losing streak AND THE IC TITLE. Goddamn did his push not go as well as planned. The Jericho-Bray segment was fantastic, and Paige was far better this ween on commentary than before. Bo-Khali overdelivered thanks to the amazing work of Bo and JBL.


Flair's stuff with Renee was creepy. Boy, Flair holding up Big Gold one last time would've been cooler if he'd had time to hoist it properly - and since Cena said keep it - HE'S GOT SOMETHING NEW TO PAWN! Main event was a bunch of nothing. They did a DQ finish for double-teaming leading to everyone in the fatal 4 way having issues with each other as a result of finishers being done to their either fellow face or heel. I did like Reigns standing tall at the end though - since he's not winning, they're at least making him look really strong here.




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Boy do Cena and Kane ever look similar facially.






I waited 25 years for Sting to show up on WWE tv. On one hand, it's a little anticlimactic for it go be in a video game commercial. On the other hand, it was a badass commercial.

At least they made Sting look cooler than anything WCW did with him the last 3 years it was in business.


Expecting wrestling fans to know what detente meant may have been a mistake but that segment was awesome. It's a fucking shame if Rollins destroyed his knee, WWE has been wrecked with injuries this year. Sting's Crow theme for orchestra was amazing, it gave me goosebumps. I'd rather see him show up than Flair at this point.


Fan chanting BORING for Bray Wyatt was interesting.


Yeah if Seth Rollins is legit hurt then this summer can suck a big one when it comes to the WWE.   


Dean Ambrose taken out of the main event was really shitty.  As a character he is incredible but they are not making it easy on him


The only thing missing was Ric Flair slurring his words to Renee Young with a "I wanna kiss you"   :unsure:


Show did nothing to make me interested in this Battleground show unfortunately.  Right now the only bright spot is that Brock might show up at the end


Lana would have been a massive star in the 80's.


Yeah I am sure Lana would be running for her life in many a southern arena with how he well she is doing her job in this gimmick


I kinda feel like WWE has accidentally made Dean Ambrose into the biggest star coming out of the Shield.  That backstage segment where he's out-numbered three to one but takes the fight to them, then after being chokeslammed, rolls over and goes "That all you got?" and there's this huge cheer.  I think they could have made him tonight if they'd had him come out of the crowd, all taped up, and jump the Authority and brawled with Rollins to the back...if you know, he hadn't gotten hurt.

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Fan chanting BORING for Bray Wyatt was interesting.

Yeah, that fucking crowd deserves to be set on fire for that chant alone.


Really hope Rollins is a work, that would be a god damned shame if he was lost for an extended period of time.


And "Is that all you got?"  Oh man.  I love Dean Ambrose.

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Nights like these I have no problem with the muscle relaxers making me fall asleep. I would wake up sporadically and it would be either a recap or an actual match, none of which I wanted to see. Did get a tickle out of the sheer '80s jingoism of Zeb's speech and the crowd losing it for him, though he basically just said the same shit he said last week. Bo's selling was funny too. But I was happy to check out of this when I saw Ambrose get beat down. What happened to Seth? I watched some of the last match after I woke up in time for drunk Flair but missed what he did.

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Technically, Flair might be the World Heavyweight champion. We have plenty of precedent that handing that belt over and saying "you keep it" is a legally binding title switch, especially when it comes to that particular belt.  


The live crowd went crazy for that Sting promo, until they revealed he was a pre-order bonus for the video game. You could easily hear the groan.

Also, where was Ambrose during the main event? I expected him to show up bare-azz in a hospital robe, and go after Rollins.


Damn it would suck if Rollins destroyed his knee (and that looked real bad). He is easily the freshest part of the Authority storyline, and the match with Ambrose on the PPV would have stolen the show.


Edit: Ambrose would have run in sometime at the end of that match if Rollins did not wreck his knee. 


So Cesaro winning the battle royal is at least 95% certain.  I mean that is the only valid (well valid in WWE sense) reason why he is doing jobs to guys like Big E and Kofi.   


So no mention yet of Cesaro and Heyman just randomly being split for no apparent reason?

It's amazing to watch Wrestlemania 30 and then realize that just a few months later, Cesaro is directionless getting no reaction from the live crowds while Jack Swagger is this massively over babyfaces. It's a testament to just how fucking stupid WWE's "creative" team can really be.

It's really a shame. Heyman will be fine as long as Lesnar is coming around a few times a year, but where does Cesaro go from here? The pairing wasn't exactly setting the world on fire, but it was supposed to be building to Cesaro finally getting tired of Heyman's shit and snapping and taking down Lesnar. Now what? He's back on his own and jobbing to Big E.

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So no mention yet of Cesaro and Heyman just randomly being split for no apparent reason?

It's amazing to watch Wrestlemania 30 and then realize that just a few months later, Cesaro is directionless getting no reaction from the love crowds while Jack Swagger is this massively over babyfaces. It's a testament to just how fucking stupid WWE's "creative" team can really be.

It's really a shame. Heyman will be fine as long as Lesnar is coming around a few times a year, but where does Cesaro go from here? The pairing wasn't exactly setting the world on fire, but it was supposed to be building to Cesaro finally getting tired of Heyman's shit and snapping and taking down Lesnar. Now what? He's back on his own and jobbing to Big E.


Has there ever been a split that was so........nothing?  Meaning nothing happening on air, just announcers causally mentioning "I heard he quit." "I heard he was fired."  Then both guys involved in it just going on about their business?


All I got from this show is that the "WE THE PEOPLE!" verse is the most love catchphrase in the WWE right now(not even close) and the USA Vs. Evil Foreigners can still be the hottest angle in a show set in 2014.


Jack Swag: biggest pop of the night on a show with Flair, Cena, and Video Game Sting.  Remember the day.

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