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The way I remember the Tugboat-to-Typhoon turn, Tugboat attacked the Bushwhackers on WWF Superstars when he was teaming with them in a 6-man match against Earthquake and the Nasty Boys.  The following Monday on Prime Time Wrestling (which was into its studio audience phase at the time), Sean Mooney repeatedly introduced Tugboat (complete with entrance music) to get his side of the story, but Tugboat never appeared.  Finally, Jimmy Hart and Earthquake arrived, Jimmy called out for "Typhoon," and he appeared in his new heel Typhoon attire.


At the very end of their last segment, Mooney made mention of Hogan and Typhoon started ranting about how he was always there for Hogan, but Hogan was never there for him.  Anyway, the whole deal was that Jimmy Hart wanted a second tag team to protect the Nasty Boys' run as tag champions (I think), but the Nasties turned face and the Natural Disasters were Jimmy's new top team.  Then the Disasters broke away and turned face themselves at some point.  All I really remember with certainty is that Earthquake and Typhoon's Hasbro figures were sturdy, durable, and virtually unstoppable in my land of wrestling figures.



The Disasters turned because Jimmy snuck Money Inc. into their spot in a tag title match, and they won the belts.



Exact same story for both turns by the Disasters and the Nasties.  Hart gave the Disasters a title shot that was supposed to belong to the Nasties, and then did the same to the Disasters for Money Inc, iirc. 



Not quite. Money Inc. got a title shot supposedly meant for the Disasters (though I believe they helped Money Inc to go over). Disasters turned face and eventually beat Money Inc. for the titles. Money Inc. got a title shot that was maybe meant for the Nasty Boys, Nasty Buys turned face by beating up Jimmy Hart, but Money Inc won the belts back with some help from the Headshrinkers. Nasty Boys and Disasters were soon gone though, replaced by The MegaManiacs and then The Steiners.

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Rick Steiner turned on Booker T at Slamboree 99, not Sting BTW.


He really turned on Buff Bagwell more than anything. He used interference from Scott to help him beat Booker for the TV title, but played it off like he didn't know what happened. He asked Buff where he could find Scott backstage, and Buff and Rick shook hands, making Bagwell the only person who couldn't see Rick turning on him from a mile away. Predictably, Rick interefered in Bagwell's match with Scott for the US title. Later in the show, Rick and Scott both came out to attack Sting during his match with Goldberg (after Bret Hart had already started attacking Goldberg).


At least I feel somewhat vindicated now for watching that horrible show last week.

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Yeah, so, anyway, moving past this 5 page discussion about forever faces/heels, WWE.com has a really interesting article about Dean Ambrose and his days in CZW/doing deathmatches. Never knew he lost a nipple and sewed it back on himself, that's gruesome shit. Kind of weird to see WWE namedrop people like Brain Damage and Thumbtack Jack, though. They acknowledge Drake Younger being an NXT referee, too.


and Rollins opened up his own wrestling school with Marek Brave. Maybe that was brought up back on page 50, or something, who knows.

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Yeah, y'all stop derailing the wrestling discussion thread with all this wrestling discussion.


I think Bravo was actually a face for most of his career and only turned heel for the WWF run.


One Man Gang might actually be the right answer, unless I'm unaware of a face run somewhere.

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