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I'm predicting that the plan to take down Hunter is revealed at the end of the MitB match, where Rollins allows Ambrose to grab the briefcase. Then in the main event, Rollins and Ambrose help fend off interference from Hunter and Reigns grabs the title. The Shield have the belts and insurance for it. 

I love this, I really do, but if this was the plan, I don't think everyone involved would get new theme music. Unless Hunter is just like, secretly the greatest WWE booker ever. :P


I know that the rumblings say Brock is a lock to main event at Summerslam and get the strap but it seems like such crappy timing to put the World Title back on the shelf so quickly on a part-time guy right after this Bryan injury.  I really think they need the belt to be front and center for a bit to give the show a more focused direction and Paul Heyman, WWE Champion may not cut that mustard.


Brock should beat Cena in a non-title match at Summerslam and the night after have Heyman announce that Brock has been given a world title shot at Wrestlemania.


Both actually. Summerslam covers the first wave of auto renewals. NoC would cover the people that waited until Mania to sub.


I know that the rumblings say Brock is a lock to main event at Summerslam and get the strap but it seems like such crappy timing to put the World Title back on the shelf so quickly on a part-time guy right after this Bryan injury. I really think they need the belt to be front and center for a bit to give the show a more focused direction and Paul Heyman, WWE Champion may not cut that mustard.

I don't think Brock having the title would be the worst option. Just have a bunch of guys battling to be the one who gets to try and unseat the monster who is holding the belt hostage, that keeps the focus on the belt.


If you stick the belt on Brock, what's your end game for getting the belt off of him? Can you see anyone in the briefcase match successfully cashing it in on him?

Eventually have Daniel Bryan beat him . Ultimate Underdog who everyone loves come back from injury and surgery to get the World Title back by beating the monster who broke the Streak and is also the Champ.

Edit: Shit, run a deal where the Authority are being undermined by Brock being champ because now Heyman is in a position to fuck with them and be the ultimate villain. Andwhen Bryan wins to "save the company", the Authority has to grudgingly admit that Bryan is the MAN. Then they can move onto new programs seperate from each other.

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Brock as champ is the easiest thing to book.


1) Beat Cena at Summer Slam

2) Beat Cena again at NoC (I'd like to cut this step out, but the WWEWHC kinda has to be at NoC)

3) Beat Cesaro at Survivor Series (or Orton because it's in St. Louis)

4) Beat whichever of Cesaro/Orton didn't get used at the Rumble

5) Bryan wins the Rumble

6) Mania writes itself

7) Rollins is the first to hold the MITB case for the full year, setting up a double cash-in threat at MITB 15.


Brock as champ is the easiest thing to book.


1) Beat Cena at Summer Slam

2) Beat Cena again at NoC (I'd like to cut this step out, but the WWEWHC kinda has to be at NoC)

3) Beat Cesaro at Survivor Series (or Orton because it's in St. Louis)

4) Beat whichever of Cesaro/Orton didn't get used at the Rumble

5) Bryan wins the Rumble

6) Mania writes itself

7) Rollins is the first to hold the MITB case for the full year, setting up a double cash-in threat at MITB 15.


Given the limited dates on Brock's contract, does this mean you might not have him defending the title on at least some of: Night of Champions, Hell in a Cell, TLC, and Elimination Chamber?



If you stick the belt on Brock, what's your end game for getting the belt off of him? Can you see anyone in the briefcase match successfully cashing it in on him?

Eventually have Daniel Bryan beat him . Ultimate Underdog who everyone loves come back from injury and surgery to get the World Title back by beating the monster who broke the Streak and is also the Champ.


What's your plan B if Bryan ends up being out longer than expected and you run into a problem of Lesnar not having enough available dates for him to be available to defend the title at a PPV?


If you stick the belt on Brock, what's your end game for getting the belt off of him? Can you see anyone in the briefcase match successfully cashing it in on him?

Eventually have Daniel Bryan beat him . Ultimate Underdog who everyone loves come back from injury and surgery to get the World Title back by beating the monster who broke the Streak and is also the Champ.

What's your plan B if Bryan ends up being out longer than expected and you run into a problem of Lesnar not having enough available dates for him to be available to defend the title at a PPV?

Build to a rematch with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.


My call: they'll split the titles. The Daniel Bryan saga shows that putting all your eggs in one basket is not what's best for business.


If they were fully committed to one champion - I honestly think they'd be hanging up a new belt for this match.


I can buy Seth Rollins a lot more as World Champ than Undisputed Champ.


I think Cena takes one for sure. I'd peg Wyatt or Cesaro for the other one; they get Daniel Bryan at Summerslam.


Why, after everyone wanted the split over and the titles unified for years, does everyone suddenly want the titles split again? I thought too many titles devalued them. What's the point of two "primary" singles belts without seperate brands?

The Bryan situation was an anomaly. Not a "that's what you get" situation.

When they unified the belts before, it took them awhile to stop using two belts. It in no way means that they want to resplit them.

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They did do a job of building up the secondary belts. You'd never have seen a tournament and then a beat the clock for #1 contendership in the same year,if at all really. 


They did do a job of building up the secondary belts. You'd never have seen a tournament and then a beat the clock for #1 contendership in the same year,if at all really. 


People can barely remember Sheamus is the US Champion and the IC Champion is injured - proving that title holders becoming injured is far from anomalous.


The Bryan situation is not an anomaly at all, he's going to come back and most of the same people, rightly or wrongly, will want him to be champion. And WWE will be less keen than ever to give him the unified belts.


It's lots of little things, with one champ their flexibility over RR winners, hell even MITB, is reduced. It's not a case of wanting or not wanting, or some logical idea of the point of having two titles, it's just seeing what hasn't worked.


Orton and Jericho both became Undisputed Champions in mid-December, so they've definitely gone longer than last time without creating a new title. It could be that the new belt isn't ready, but it just seems to me that if they were moving to one belt then there would be no better time to put it on TV than for this match. That way Bryan wouldn't even have had to give up the belts, The Authority could have been - screw this, here's the new title etc. So if they're not planning on splitting the titles, WWE definitely missed a trick there.


They just unveiled the years in the making new WWE Heavyweight Title last year. If anything, the World title is going away for a while.


They just unveiled the years in the making new WWE Heavyweight Title last year. If anything, the World title is going away for a while.


Fair enough I suppose.


The trouble with the secondary belts is that you have to keep pushing them for people to take them seriously, WWE doesn't have the attention span.


I'll just point out that from 1963 - 2002, the WWF had to put all of their eggs in one basket when it came to their champion. The idea of a "backup champion" is absurd and something that no other wrestling promotion in the history of this planet has done or should ever do. 

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