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Looks like a couple of good matches, Ambrose vs Barrett and Kane vs Reigns


Seth Rollins, Randy Orton and Triple H kick off SmackDown. They talk about Money In the Bank and announce Bad News Barrett vs. Dean Ambrose.


* Bad News Barrett comes out, insulting Pittsburgh sports teams and some of their legendary players. Dean Ambrose gets the win with Dirty Deeds. After the match, Jack Swagger runs out and attacks Barrett. Ambrose lays Swagger out with a ladder. Seth Rollins runs in through the crowd, threw Ambrose off the steps and nailed a curb stomp. Barrett ended up taken to the back after an apparent shoulder injury.


* Paige defeated Cameron. After the match, Cameron tried to pick another fight with Paige.


* They air a video for Connor The Crusher.


Sheamus vs. Bray Wyatt is next. Sheamus won by disqualification when Erick Rowan and Luke Harper broke up a Cloverleaf that Bray was locked in. The Usos ran out to make the save and celebrated with Sheamus.


* Dolph Ziggler and Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro and Alberto Del Rio is next with Paul Heyman on commentary. Del Rio gets the win for his team with a cross armbreaker on RVD. After the match, Cesaro laid Del Rio out.


* Rusev and Lana come out for an anti-American promo before Rusev squashes Sin Cara. There’s a glitch as Big E’s video plays earlier than it’s supposed to but he comes out and cuts a promo. Big E and Rusev meet in the middle of the ring but Lana calls Rusev away. Rusev tries to attack Big E from behind but Big E sees him coming and knocks Rusev out of the ring.


* Roman Reigns vs. Kane ends in a DQ when Randy Orton interrupts right before Reigns spearsKane. Reigns spears Orton instead. Kane chokeslammed Reigns and set up a ladder. He allowed Orton to climb up and pose with the titles. Orton goes to punt Reigns but gets speared. Kane also gets speared. Reigns poses with the titles to end SmackDown.

Connor the Crusher is kid who died of cancer not Connor from the Ascension.


Poor Bray, from forcing Cena to question and doubt his own character at Wrestlemania to needing help to survive Sheamus.


Sheamus is already a cheating cock, so it's hard for Bray to get in his head.

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Bad News for Bad News Barrett, it looks like he suffered a separated Shoulder in his match, it looks like he may be out for Sunday if not longer.


In the kayfabe world, I hope the doctor gave him his own medicine with the "I've Got Some Bad News..." line. For which he then proceeded to Bull Hammer the doc with his good arm.

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For some reason, Swagger is on the regular "multi-man clusterfuck filler" rotation, despite never actually doing anything during those matches that reminds you why he was added (unlike Kofi and Dolph). If it wasn't for RVD and his historically bad year, he would've easily been the most groan-inducing addition to MITB.


I'm unsure what they're doing with Reigns.. it seems like a Ryback HIAC situation, he isn't quite lighting in a bottle.. yet, but he could be. I don't think Reigns is ready, but he's the only one out of the 8 that has any momentum although Kane taking the belts would be a simple and easy transition for Bryan to get his belts back whenever he returns. I dunno man.


edit: shitty news about BNB.


Shame to read Bad News Barrett is hurt. Barett's had unlucky timing with the Nexus and THAT infamous battle royal when he got injured.


Didn't Swagger also injure Ziggler in a similar spot last year? He seems a bit reckless with weapons...


I think Swagger concussed Ziggler with a kick to the jaw last year when Ziggler was World Heavyweight Champion.


It was definitely Swagger. They were setting up a 3-way ladder match with Del Rio at Extreme Rules that turned into Swagger/ADR I Quit. The spot was Dolph trying to pick up the ladder and Swagger kicking him in the face for the cut off.


Looking back, that spot pretty much ended Dolph's career.


Man, you can just feel the loss of Teddy here. There were multiple times on this show where someone could have set up an impromptu tag match and it just didn't happen.

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It was definitely Swagger. They were setting up a 3-way ladder match with Del Rio at Extreme Rules that turned into Swagger/ADR I Quit. The spot was Dolph trying to pick up the ladder and Swagger kicking him in the face for the cut off.


Looking back, that spot pretty much ended Dolph's career.


Shit you're right.  He even tweeted something about "Swags" kicking people after.


As weird as this may sound, Wade should start pregame warm ups with Randy Orton so his damn arms stop falling off.  Randy's shoulder would pop out every fifteen seconds before he started doing this stretching before bell time.  I think Barrett needs a similar routine.


I see Swagger getting blamed for this but no details about what he actually did.  Whats the haps?


For some reason, Swagger is on the regular "multi-man clusterfuck filler" rotation, despite never actually doing anything during those matches that reminds you why he was added (unlike Kofi and Dolph). 

Never actually doing anything except winning a MITB and Elimination Chamber match, which puts him in the company of John Cena, Edge, CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan as people who have won both matches.

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