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Enough of Orton, I'd be willing to bet that certain posters on here don't wear pants either.

Especially during football season ^_^

The longer that Rollins continues to wear Shield clothing for lack of a better term and uses the "Not even triple H knows" form of explanation, it makes the theory that Rollins joined Evolution to destroy from within even more likely

I hope this is the case. I'm not ready to live in a world where The Shield is not comprised of Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns.


Man, if this actually ends up as Rollins infiltrating The Authority to destroy them once and for all would end up getting a pop that could possibly surpass Bryan hitting the knee on Bray in the cage.

Either way, it's opening up a ton of stuff. I'll watch Seth/Dolph later. But Dolph came off really strong and sensible in his promo against Seth.


At first glance, if this is a straight heel turn and they want to push Rollins hard, I think him coming out to Trips' music and then giving Dolph SO much in the match while the announcing was terrible ("HOW EMBARRASSING WOULD IT BE IF ROLLINS LOST!" "OH THIS MATCH DOESN'T MATTER COLE!" over and over) was not a smart start. 


Cole's blather could screw up a wet dream. I think the only worse announcers I've heard were the Aussie idiots that used to do PRIDE.


During the video package for Seth's turn I was wondering who does the music in the middle part?  You know there is always the either in the middle, or near the end (2nd half) where the heels take over, the screen goes sepia and distorted and the jammin' rock or pusling techno music turns into creepy choral music with random shrieks and skittering strings.


2:05 in here


Whoever writes the music for those sections is awesome, or if they're just inserting some bits of classical music, I wanna know what it is.


Note: Rollins should have gotten rid of his blonde streak for his heel version.


Should anyone be concerned that Helmsley's face is the same color of his tie?


Is it worse that the color is listed at Lowe's as "Bart Giammatti violet?"


Well, that was certainly underwhelming. The best part of the show was the clip from NXT with Charlotte Flair vs Natalya. It's early, but she may be to women's wrestling what her dad was to male wrestling. She definitely has the in-ring tools, if her mic work is good, I can easily see her going a long, long way. As for the rest of the show, I really should have flipped over to Bellator an hour early.


Well, that was certainly underwhelming. The best part of the show was the clip from NXT with Charlotte Flair vs Natalya. It's early, but she may be to women's wrestling what her dad was to male wrestling.

Oh come on


Best part of the show was Dolph saying "I know I'm gonna get pushed further down the card" and HHH shaking his head yes. The angle still makes no sense right now (reinforced by the notorious writer copout "you don't deserve an explanation" promo), but I'll be damned if I don't love Seth Rollins getting a monster push.



Cole's blather could screw up a wet dream.


"Oh, come on, not this way! ... ... Damn it."

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Well, that was certainly underwhelming. The best part of the show was the clip from NXT with Charlotte Flair vs Natalya. It's early, but she may be to women's wrestling what her dad was to male wrestling.

You, sir, are an idiot.

  • Like 1

Please note, I said "may be". I realize that you sometimes have difficulties with the English language as it is spoken outside of Tinnosea; but "may be" infers possibilities, not certainties. As far as Ms. Flair goes, it appears she has the tools to be excellent in ring. I haven't heard her on the mic yet, but with the Flair name, being attractive and talented, I can easily see her being pushed to the moon. Therefore, "may be".


For your future reference, thanks in large part to "Total Divas", the WWE audience is taking more interest in women's wrestling. HHH is no dummy, if he sees something that's going to get over he's going to capitalize on it. I may be completely wrong, but I've got a feeling that in the next two to four years we're going to see women's wrestling a lot more popular than it has ever been before in North America. If that happens, you need someone to be the face of the product. Would that be AJ? Paige? Natalya? All doubtful for reasons that I shouldn't need to explain to you. My guess at this point is that it may very well be Ms. Flair.


Now, would you like to share your thoughts on the subject? The possibilities that I suggest aren't hard for you to follow, are they?


Charlotte is to Ric in wrestling as OSJ is to Stephen King in the literary world.

Cue the overlong, condescending prattling of Future Roman Reigns.

  • Like 6

For your future reference, thanks in large part to "Total Divas", the WWE audience is taking more interest in women's wrestling.



Not really. Total Divas, specifically the Bellas, were the reasons they were having matches again on Raw last year. Scoff if you want, which most will, but the Raw has almost had diva match every week since they have been back. But I don't think there is much of a cross over because of none the women on that show are over besides the odd off crowd..



And the Neutralizer is a weak finisher move.


Oh, SNAP! The old "you're not Stephen King" putdown. No, I can't say that I've had his success, but I do okay. I get to go to work when I damn well please and wear what I please as opposed to yourself, who is likely required to wear a hairnet and paper hat at your place of business. Oh, and for the record, it's pretty likely that I've written, edited, and/or published more books than you've had pieces of ass. (Paraphrasing one Ric Flair).


HHH is no dummy, if he sees something that's going to get over he's going to capitalize on it.

Sure, but only after every attempt to sabotage it has failed, and the crowd has soundly rejected everything they really want to get over, and someone higher up on the card gets frustrated and quits.



Well, that was certainly underwhelming. The best part of the show was the clip from NXT with Charlotte Flair vs Natalya. It's early, but she may be to women's wrestling what her dad was to male wrestling.

You, sir, are an idiot.



Yeah, there's no way Charlotte is THAT bad with money and life choices. 


Oh, SNAP! The old "you're not Stephen King" putdown. No, I can't say that I've had his success, but I do okay. I get to go to work when I damn well please and wear what I please as opposed to yourself, who is likely required to wear a hairnet and paper hat at your place of business. Oh, and for the record, it's pretty likely that I've written, edited, and/or published more books than you've had pieces of ass. (Paraphrasing one Ric Flair).

The point is that Ric Flair is Ric Fucking Flair and there won't be another male wrestler like him. Even with the qualifier "female version of..." there won't be any diva like Ric Fucking Flair.

Good God I thought we topped out at "shield are the best faction ever" when it came to stupid statements. I can't wait for someone to say Torito could be the Eddie Guerrero of midgets.


Oh, SNAP! The old "you're not Stephen King" putdown. No, I can't say that I've had his success, but I do okay. I get to go to work when I damn well please and wear what I please as opposed to yourself, who is likely required to wear a hairnet and paper hat at your place of business. Oh, and for the record, it's pretty likely that I've written, edited, and/or published more books than you've had pieces of ass. (Paraphrasing one Ric Flair).

It's not so much "you're not Stephen King" as it is you're not anything. In the literary world you are nothing and nobody and you will not be remembered by anyone. To save you the time and effort I'm also a nobody. I just have the common decency to accept it. Much preferred to your style of wallowing in text based auto fellatio .

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