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Piranesi is a true genius. Demented, but a genius.


No way.  Man, this thread is nothing but likes and love.


Seriously, I think I enjoy potential-Batista 110x more after this run than I did before.  I wasn't excited at all for his return and thought of him as just a big bland guy.  But I am stoked for his next one.  I mean, not right away.  But when it happens people are going to mark out way more than this time. 


Especially if they fully embrace the diva side this time and dump the tough guy act.  That mic flip on Monday and the beauty queen wave.  That's the Batista that works.  He can get tough if he has to, but he should lead with that stuff. 

HOW AMAZING WOULD IT BE IF MANKIND ACCIDENTALLY WRECKED HIS LUNCHBOX COLLECTION!!!!!  That's the stuff, man!  I just don't know if he gets that.  Sometimes it seems yes and other times not.

  • Like 3

You don't mess with a man's lunchbox collection, you just don't.


No way.  Man, this thread is nothing but likes and love.


Seriously, I think I enjoy potential-Batista 110x more after this run than I did before.  I wasn't excited at all for his return and thought of him as just a big bland guy.  But I am stoked for his next one.  I mean, not right away.  But when it happens people are going to mark out way more than this time. 


Especially if they fully embrace the diva side this time and dump the tough guy act.  That mic flip on Monday and the beauty queen wave.  That's the Batista that works.  He can get tough if he has to, but he should lead with that stuff. 

HOW AMAZING WOULD IT BE IF MANKIND ACCIDENTALLY WRECKED HIS LUNCHBOX COLLECTION!!!!!  That's the stuff, man!  I just don't know if he gets that.  Sometimes it seems yes and other times not.


Yeah, I have to say Big Dave's toolbag routine grew on me. I have no idea if he thinks he looks cool or it's a brilliant troll job but either way, he's such a doofus and it's pretty amazing.


BatistAcademy V: Assignment Miami Beach Rent-Boy.


I missed some of these shows, so was happy to go back and read the threads and see the, like, threeeeads, man.  Some astounding choices here that should have shaken the foundations of wrestling Kelly Osbourne's accent.  I was a little let down, however, by how over-it everyone was.  Batista-related post counts dwindled.  People found other things to like about wrestling than the Milan of it all.  Everyone but a die-hard fashionista named David H. Christista.  He gave his life two evenings a week for us.

Music and Lyrics by Jason Wade

FEELZ!!!!!!!!!! for FOWLERZZZZ!!!!!!

Smackdown 3/7

If shame had a face I think it
would kind of look like mine
If it had a home would it be my eyes
Would you believe me if I said I'm tired of this


 Piranesi Posted 08 March 2014 - 12:17 AM

This Week:
ROB HALFORD CHILLIN' AT THE SMOOTHIE BAR....just checkin' things out.

I tried to climb your steps
I tried to chase you down
I tried to see how low I could get it down to the ground

Daniel Bryan confronts the state of Batista

 LooseCannon Posted 08 March 2014 - 03:52 PM
Daniel Bryan being allowed to make fun of Batista's belly buton tattoo just means that CM Punk is going to interfere against him at Wrestlemania and we'll get a feud over DB's lack of respect for tattoos.

So when will this end it goes on and on
Over and over and over again
Keep spinning around I know that it won't stop
Till I step down from this for good

Raw 3/24

I never thought I'd end up here
Never thought I'd be standing where I am

Piranesi Posted 24 March 2014 - 11:31 PM
Batista Fashion Watch

This week:
Matt Pinfield trying to get backstage at a Pantera concert.


I guess I kinda thought it would be easier than this
I guess I was wrong now one more time



hammerva Posted 24 March 2014 - 11:36 PM
I do hope on Main Event or Superstars that we get a 10 bell salute in honor of Batista's skinny jeans that took a beating at the hands of Batista trying to do a gore on Orton.  Or picking up the titles

Playa Shunna Ver 3.0 Posted 25 March 2014 - 09:43 AM
If Batista can work ripping his pants every week into a gimmick it could mean big $$$.  Imagine the merch sales.

I tried to climb your steps
I tried to chase you down
I tried to see how ow I could get down to the ground

sniff...an then they said bootista...sniffsniff...an then they tore my pants...sniff an I told them to stop on twitter but they just got louder...sniff.

odessasteps Posted 25 March 2014 - 09:54 AM
Someone get Dave the old Brutus/JT Southern ripped trunks to wear now.

Bald Bombshell Posted 25 March 2014 - 11:25 AM
Hogan's definitely lost inches since the multiple back surgeries, and Arnold always lied about his height. Speaking of shortness, the supposed 6'6" Batista looked TINY next to Orton.

    I tried to earn my way
I tried to tame this mind
You better believe that I tried yo beat this
    Smackdown 3/28

OSJ Posted 29 March 2014 - 11:59 AM
Why does Batista insist on dressing like a male prostitute from the Tenderloin?

    Sick cycle carousel
Sick cycle carousel
Sick cycle carousel...


RAW 3/31: WM Go-Home show...as in "GO HOME!!!!"

     Which means BONUS FASHION WATCH:

Mars Whitemon


    Dave's favorite part of the training.  Just being there, quietly talking, Gi tops open.  You know, just dreamin'

  • Like 3




Music and Lyrics by Jason Wade



Thank you for taking my helpful advice.


DAMN IT!  That song shows up enough in Fuffy-shipper videos I thought for sure I had you again.


Now I realize that one of the problems with this thread is that I'm revealing all the shitty Emo music that I shittily have on my ipod.


Dude...  It's Lifehouse.


And not even the one shitty Lifehouse song that gets stuck in my head sometimes.  Just a random shitty Lifehouse song.


Well, the other one you used is a major segment in an episode of the show, although it less to do with shipper crap than an actual plot point.  I don't recall hearing the piece of shit Lifehouse song during any episodes. You're only fueling Fowler's intense rage.


His rage over the lack of Spangel in ANGEL season 5?


If Batista did a Beats ad, that would be the song.  THESE ARE ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE!!!!


Fuffy?  Spangel?  What fucking language are you speaking?


(Also, it's not just Michelle Branch.  You used Belle & Sebastian and Elton John as well.  It was reaching critical mass of associating musicians I adore with Big Dave, and that cannot stand.  But Lifehouse saves it.)


Don't you even pretend you don't speak shipper, dude! 

If you're serious, though, then be careful.  A google image search for Fuffy might just be too much for you to handle.



Lifehouse and Dave Batista will save your heart if you let them in there, Brian.


What does sending packages have to do with anything?


If it takes Lifehouse to save me, I'll just die, thank you very much.

  • Like 1

What about your cover band, Deathcondo?


I'd almost volunteer one of my band's songs but prog rock might not be heartfelt enough for a tribute to Big Dave and his devotion to all things fashion.


Carly Simon, bah. A gourmet (judge on Iron Chef America), art fancier (lunchbox collection), and fashion plate; Big Dave deserves nothing less than "Sharp Dressed Man".


Note to Ramsey: Take the blue pill.


I wish Cesaro could loan him some of his old early career ring jackets. They were gloriously awful and cheap.


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