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Meltzer confirms Bryan's surgery is minimally invasive, not a big deal, he'll be back in 6 to 8 weeks. 


I forgot to mention that Sandow has committed a travesty most egregious in referring to a microphone as a "talking stick". What a sacrifice of his linguistic dominance in favor of plebeian simplicity. One would think his entire character a facade.


Brie's acting wasn't horrible? Sort of, right?


Stephanie's face as the ambulance left! ~


Maybe the moral of the Natalya thing is about our notions or art itself.


- Do we truly believe that there is no objective standard of quality?


- Does the artist every truly understand the viewer's perspective on their work?  Or is art an exercise in solipsism?


- Does a true artist ever find appreciation in their own era?  And if they do does that cause them to question whether they are being challenging enough?


- What is more important to the "meaning" of art? Artist intention or audience reception?


- Why did Daniel Bryan look like a baby Vladimir Putin wearing a Christmas tree skirt in that fucking ridiculous painting?  Is it an allegory for the politics and commercialism of the wrestling business?


- Why do Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella appear in that painting as conjoined twins with a Kuato coming out of their shared navel?  Is it a statement about the loss of identity in marriage?  About our idealistic view of monogamy?  About Natalya's inability to grasp simple one-point perspective?


- What the fuck is that animal?  A pig wearing rabbit ears in deep shadow?  Or just a really shitty drawing of a dog staring at me in front of two grown adults sharing a single slanket for some reason?  And why does he look so goddamned satisfied with himself?  Fuck you, rabbit/pig/dog.  Don't look down at me.  I'm just getting started on my five year plan.  In five years I'll be at computer animation college and you'll still be in a shitty painting in Daniel Bryan's shed.

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Meltzer confirms Bryan's surgery is minimally invasive, not a big deal, he'll be back in 6 to 8 weeks. 

Can't believe people are hung up on Bella acting and pretty ho hum about this. I guess it's time to drop the diving headbutt.


8 weeks of no Bryan matches leaves a massive hole on these shows.


The show was pretty dull outside of Alicia Fox and the Sheamus/Ryback match. Loved Ryback saying "Big guy out". When Bryan comes back, he really needs to stop doing the headbutt and probably the dive outside. I guess he could save the dive for special occasions. If that was Alicia's exit, that's a hell of a way to go out. JBL played a shitty Jay Z though.


Brie may have acted in some of the worst acting in rasstlin' history, but her hubby is doing an equally "blah" job.



Meltzer confirms Bryan's surgery is minimally invasive, not a big deal, he'll be back in 6 to 8 weeks. 

Can't believe people are hung up on Bella acting and pretty ho hum about this. I guess it's time to drop the diving headbutt.





There was almost an interesting moment with JBL talking about Bryan's style that started to sound a little shooty, kind of raising a pretty important issue and Lawler immediately shut it down to get back on track with storyline, like 'Kane did this!".  Shit almost got real.  Vince must have been screeching.


No Bad News tonight. I is sad. Big E vs the newest evil foreigner ain't gonna be pretty or good. Yikes.


A lot went on, but not a lot went on? Does that make sense? That's how I generally feel about 3 hour Raws.


And that Nattie vs Nikki match. The action was good enough. First opponent since Alicia Fox did Nattie show some emotion and Nikki looked great and all. But the crowd and commentators were weird. It reminded me of when you get a couple of friends over to watch a PPV, a match that no one gave a shit about is on, and so someone turns the channel to the game.


I only caught Ryback/Sheamus, the six man and the main event and they all kicked ass. 

The Shield reminds me of how I felt when DX turned face against the Nation. I feel no reason to cheer for the Shield and I want Evolution to kick the shit out of them. 


Alicia Fox being awesome, and managing to get the crowd to the point where you could actually hear people cheering when Paige won...  That was unexpected.


The Shield being the coolest, baddest motherfuckers on the planet?  Totally expected.

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Rusev really seems to attract black dudes.



Well we can assume Lana is handling his bookings, so she may be just using him for the eye candy.


Rusev: When do I go after Cena?


Lana: Did you say Titus?


Rusev: I said Cena.


Lana: Right, right.  Titus.  I'll book it.

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I only caught Ryback/Sheamus, the six man and the main event and they all kicked ass. 

The Shield reminds me of how I felt when DX turned face against the Nation. I feel no reason to cheer for the Shield and I want Evolution to kick the shit out of them. 

I love The Shield and all, but I'm ready to mark the hell out when Sheamus runs out and gives every single one of them a Brogue kick.

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I only caught Ryback/Sheamus, the six man and the main event and they all kicked ass. 

The Shield reminds me of how I felt when DX turned face against the Nation. I feel no reason to cheer for the Shield and I want Evolution to kick the shit out of them. 

I love The Shield and all, but I'm ready to mark the hell out when Sheamus runs out and gives every single one of them a Brogue kick.



What in the living hell is wrong with both of you?

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I only caught Ryback/Sheamus, the six man and the main event and they all kicked ass. 

The Shield reminds me of how I felt when DX turned face against the Nation. I feel no reason to cheer for the Shield and I want Evolution to kick the shit out of them. 

I love The Shield and all, but I'm ready to mark the hell out when Sheamus runs out and gives every single one of them a Brogue kick.



What in the living hell is wrong with both of you?


It appears that Evolution is just a mystery to you.

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Sheamus joining Evolution really is the best possible use for the guy.  He is in desperate need of a heel turn, they need some fresh blood.  Plus, the crowd already doesn't care about him anymore!


II feel no reason to cheer for the Shield and I want Evolution to kick the shit out of them. 



I can't figure out any way this is a a sane thought, bro. Watching Shield get over on and dominate Evolution is the most mark out fun in years.

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So, why is it okay for the Shield to fend off against all the heels on the roster sans the foreigners but Cena outsmarts/out-powers 3 hicks and the whole WWE is evil and don't know what is successful anymore?

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