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I find it hilarious that the ring announcer said elimination rules and apparently nobody heard him.

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WeeLC was so much fun. I never could have envisioned liking anything Hornswoggle did, but he's terrific as the bully leader. And my goodness, the bumps 3MB took were astounding. Drew's flip dive through the table was ridiculous.


Loved the 6-man. As mentioned, the commentary putting over Evolution was a bit fawning, but damn did that match feel BIG TIME. I'm so happy The Shield wasn't broken up, and even happier that they're treated as legit megastars. Rollins put on a damn show.


Bad News Barrett is terrific. That cape he wore to the ring was pretty swanky, only outdone by Cesaro's pre-match attire.


You're not going to get a great match from Kane in 2014, but I felt this had enough over-the-top spots to live up to the "Extreme Rules" gimmick. As far as Daniel Bryan being buried, not seeing it. Him driving Kane out on the forklift was very Stone Cold in '98. And the visual of him leading the crowd in the chant just before hitting the headbutt off the forklift felt like a No. 1 star spot to me.


Wasn't a fan of the cage match in the least. The ending felt like the bastard love-child of the Black Scorpion and Raven brain-washing Sandman's son.


Thought the cage match was terrible. I hate escape-the-cage rules, and it is a scientific fact that Owen vs Bret at Summerslam is the only good match under those rules. I don't mind the ending with the creepy kid, but Cena looked like a friggin idiot for constantly trying to climb out of the cage with Rowan and Harper out there when he could have just tried to pin Wyatt.

Evolution vs. Shield was tremendous. I almost feel bad for the poor guy who's going to have to put together the inevitable Shield DVD. How did you pick only 7 hours for a team that's capable of putting on MOTYCs on a nightly basis?

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The press conferences got much better as they went along, but I still think Daniel Bryan's was awkward and that Bray shouldn't be doing one. 


All in all, OK show.  I might have liked it better another day but that was probably more about my mood than the show itself.  (I guess that would be better suited for the "Fuck You" thread.)


The thing that killed the possessed child gimmick for me was when they did the follow-up promo and it took a couple seconds for the distortion to kick in. Otherwise, it was some pretty funny/good b-movie shit. I think people are getting too caught up wanting this feud to be a career-maker for Bray. Just appreciate for what it is: A comedy feud to give a Cena a break from the main event scene.


I can't believe they're actually going to drag Bryan/Kane out another month, but that finishing stretch with Kane going the burning table, getting excessively fire-extinguishered and flailing about right into the running knee was VINTAGE evil comedy Kane. Easily the best thing he's done in years. I laughed harder at that than Bray's singing kid. The only way this feud can survive is if Kane brings out the car battery tomorrow.


Where is that Big E every monday (press conference)? What a genuinely funny man.


Now that he's been relieved of the Kiss of Death title, hopefully his push can resume.


Worst part of this show was that it gave the people who are always turds about WWE stuff ample ammo.

Bryan being buried is laughable. I can't believe people are trying to keep that going post Mania. The main event was strange. I didn't like it much, but it kept me interested.

Cena/Bray finish was fine. The match was garbage. Greggulator's breakdown of the story of the match is spot on. That said it was a chore to watch.

Six man was very good. The Rollins dive made it memorable.

WEE-L-C was amazing.

I felt like they were pushing tv pg pretty far tonight. More cursing, more violence, and of course that flaming table.


Bray Wyatt, the guy whose entire gimmick is being a cult leader who wants to spread his message to the world, shouldn't be doing a press conference? Please elaborate on that.


The WeeLC was amazing.  About 2 or 3 minutes in, I was like "you know, for all the absurdity, these guys are really busting their asses" and by the end I was more "damn, this is really good."  Didn't expect that at all.


The three way was what it was, whatever.


Rusev squash was...  ugh.  I'm not feeling Rusev.  Didn't in NXT, not now.  Of course, having some actual competitive matches might change that.


IC title match was good.


Shield/Evolution was fan-fucking-tastic, of course.


Cage match was...  You know, I honestly am not sure how I feel about it.  Hated the voice modulation, hate escape rules (fuck, even the Bret-Owen match isn't that great) thought it went on a bit too long and got really repetitive, but I appreciate them trying to do something different.  This is the second time in 3 years at this ppv Cena had a match that was like nothing ever done on WWE tv before, but 2012's was a no doubt all-time great classic.  This one was just kind of weird.


Paige/Tamina was damn good.  I mean, damn good.


Main event went too long.  The forklift spot was good goofy fun, but damn did we really need another 5 minutes after all that?  Flaming table fell flat, maybe because of how quickly the fire extinguisher was there (not that I blame them) or maybe because of Kane getting right back up to roll into the ring for the finish.  I don't know, the idea was nice, but this was no Edge/Mick flaming table.


WWE is on a roll with their Special Events since the Royal Rumble debacle. That's three REALLY good shows since what was a perceived low point.

Evolution-Shield was a beautiful mess but it was as perfectly booked and laid out a match as you will ever see.

The one thing I will say about the Cena finish is while it made sense in the story they were telling, just having it there felt soldered to the match.

By the way, based on one of the false finishes tonight, had Greg Valentine had an Eric Rowan, he'd still be IC champ today.


Triple H and Seth Rollins had some absurdly great chemistry in their little bits together, by the way.  Like, I want to see the two of them go 25 minutes one on one now great.

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Main event went too long.  The forklift spot was good goofy fun, but damn did we really need another 5 minutes after all that?



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Big E was fantastic in his press conference. That is the guy the need to let talk more often.


I also like Barrett giving props to Big E while still establishing that he was the better man. 


Pretty much all of these were great. Loved Heyman's "It's been a pleasure" and Cesaro then muttering under his breath "Has it?"


Those 8 minutes were like a THQ game broke out in the main event. Although I did like that there was about a half dozen Easter Egg tribute spots in there if you know what you're watching without them blatantly being so.

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Big E was fantastic in his press conference. That is the guy the need to let talk more often.


I also like Barrett giving props to Big E while still establishing that he was the better man. 





Boo!  Proper heel responses to "How would you describe Big E. as a competitor?" include:





Formerly breathing

Who?  Oh, that sad crumpled flesh puddle I pulled this belt out of.


Crazy backwoods swamp-life cult leader without any respect for the establishment he's trying to overthrow waits patiently in line for his turn to sit down at a table in a formal setting and field questions?  I don't see it. 


Making his own viral videos speaking his message orinterrupting the time of others to get the attention on him and his message, yes I see it. 


I think I need to clarify that I liked the end of the cage match. I thought it was cool and unique. I just hated basically everything up to the end of the cage match.

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