Peck Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Wyatt post-show press conference just now on the Network was fantastic.
Fallacy! Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 For the "Cena always overcomes the odds" criticism -- So does Spiderman, Superman, etc. So did Hogan. He's the WWE's superhero. He's there to overcome the odds. But this time, it was one too many. Maybe so, but it doesn't do anything for Bray Wyatt.
HumanChessgame Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Mediocre show that seemed more like an episode of Raw than a ppv. I didn't even know that opening 3 way had been booked till the start of the show. There was ample time for a tag title match as well, but nothing. The Evolution/Shield match was awesome and really should have been the main event. Like the guy on page 1, the logic behind allowing a flaming table spot but no blood in the PG era on a ppv with an "extreme" gimmick is kinda non-existent. Still the match ruled and Rollins doing the New Jack dive was pretty nuts. Cena/Wyatt really drug and should have ended 5-10 minutes sooner than it did. The whole "heel's posse keeps the face from escaping the cage" spots come off contrived as hell, especially when they're trying to stop someone from climbing out but those they did in this match seemed a little more hard to buy than normal. Involving kids in any wrestling angle always ends up sucking, so I'm not sure if the whole Tyler Fullington thing here is going to work long-term or not. It might have had some more meaning if they had actually identified the kid before the show or gave some type of introduction, rather than him just be some random person that shows up. I don't have a problem with the ending, just that the match itself was too long. I agree with everyone who said the main event was a throwback to an Attitude Era Hardcore Title match. Fine for what it is or what they're using Kane for, but not so much in a main event. If they are going to try and bring back Kane's unstoppable demon schtick, they should have kept him off of tv for a lot longer than they did as it's kind of hard to buy the guy getting beaten left and right by Bryan/The Shield is now some super powered monster, magic evil mask or no. Maybe Kane will get an old war buddy of his to pretend to be Bryan's friend just to get him back for making his knuckles bleed after those car window punches.
Lamp, broken circa 1988 Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 So I signed up for the network, and my streaming experience wasn't awesome but Time Warner is bullshit so it's probably not WWE's fault. Anyways that show was super fucking weird! 4 out of 8 matches were good, but that's still an F. GOOD STUFF YAY :D -Rusev handicap match! This is mainly just because of me being a mark for this whole gimmick. They finally figured out how to make "scary foreigner" work in 2014- he's not scary because he's foreign, he's scary because he can fucking kill you. He just happens to be foreign. Plus the cheap Putin heat was pretty inspired. -BNB/Big E! Middle-upper quality television match. Both guys were motivated and Barrett when motivated is fucking solid. I feel terrible for Big E but at least he went out with something good. -Shield/Evolution! HHH is still motivated to put people over which I'm still having trouble accepting, but bless him for it. Orton's been good for a while, and Batista... well he didn't gas -so- hard. The Shield is still the best thing about WWE in ring, though. -Paige/Tamina! Totally unfair that they had to follow what they had to follow, because they went out there and had a solid match. Paige'll get a lot of the credit, but Tamina showed up and was game to look foolish at all the Nuevo Johnny Saint dodging spots. The crowd couldn't have cared less which is again totally unfair. OKAY STUFF :| -WeeLC... C. Excellent stooge work from 3MB. It was very nice of WWE to not put that on PPV if their whole plan was to do mini commentary and use a mini announcer who had apparently never spoken in public before. I was inititally put off by the announcers being bad, but then I thought "well that's in line with their gimmicks." Seemed fine, but that was for the live crowd more than the home crowd. -Triple Threat! Which at some point became a Three Way Dance instead, because it's Extreme Rules. I just wish they would've told the crowd and left out the minute of everyone looking around like "did we fuck this up" before Roberts chimed in. Unremarkable otherwise. BAD STUFF GRRR >:| -Cena/Wyatt. Vintage Dungeon of Doom. I mean, I laughed pretty hard at the whole match, so I enjoyed it, but PHEW they made that a weird fucking spectacle. Chopped And Screwed Sheep Kid is now among the dumbest Cena finishes I've ever seen. -And speaking of Dumbest ____ I've Ever Seen, Bryan/Kane is the 3rd Dumbest Forklift Centric wrestling match I've ever seen. Kane's no-sell of everything post forklift was pretty wretched, as well as the show going out with Kane going "NEVERMIND I'M FINE GRRR" like it was a Raw go-home was pretty doofy. 1
Greggulator Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 For the "Cena always overcomes the odds" criticism -- So does Spiderman, Superman, etc. So did Hogan. He's the WWE's superhero. He's there to overcome the odds. But this time, it was one too many. Maybe so, but it doesn't do anything for Bray Wyatt. He won via a diabolical, twisted plot. He found Cena's kryptonite.
Matt D Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 I think MAYBE, just MAYBE the ending doesn't work if Cena didn't comeback and overcome all odds like that first.
w. josh Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 The issue isn't that Cena overcame the odds again. The issue is that Cena proved that he could beat three guys on his own - again - but couldn't handle a kid with a voice modulator singing at him. It may not hurt anyone involved, but it doesn't help anyone either. Wyatt as a compelling cult leader striking out at vanilla corporate America is great stuff. Wyatt as a cartoon villain that has the power to give little kids demonic voices is embarassing. 4
steve Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Alex Riley (or Byron Saxon) actually said the three-way was elimination rules while the graphic was up immediately following Zeb's promo on the pre-show. Somebody forgot to pass the memo onto the announce table. Also, I thought the three-way was fairly enjoyable, definitely the most RVD's done for me since he's been back. Granted, that bar's not too high, but still.
Matt D Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 The issue isn't that Cena overcame the odds again. The issue is that Cena proved that he could beat three guys on his own - again - but couldn't handle a kid with a voice modulator singing at him. It may not hurt anyone involved, but it doesn't help anyone either. Wyatt as a compelling cult leader striking out at vanilla corporate America is great stuff. Wyatt as a cartoon villain that has the power to give little kids demonic voices is embarassing. The whole point is whether or not the kids, the last bastion of the people who still care for cena, might turn on him. It's like cutting sampson's hair. It's cutting his power. It's okay if you don't like it, but Cena's all about Hustle Loyalty Respect, etc. It's like cracking the Three Demandments on Hogan and introducing doubt. Can Cena be Cena if the other half of the crowd turns on him, etc. Ideally, he cracks on Raw and tries to do one of his "let me make fun of my opponent" promo and then sells this, being unable to. That'd make what happened over the last few weeks when he just shrugged shit off worth it. we'll see though. 1
Rehabilitated Rick Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Ya'll must really hate 'taker's or Sting's or Mankind's or Paul Bearer's or a billion others shtick's if you hated that awesome Wyatt/Cena finish! I'm not as articulate as a Greg so I wont try and be analytic and give you some colorful review or anything but damn. That ending was pro wrestling. 2
Zakk_Sabbath Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 I'm really torn on whether or not I enjoyed the finish to Cena/Wyatt with the kid doing the demon voice. I really, really wanted to, but I'm torn whether I'm feeling more like "Damn, Bray is gonna take that kid back to Carcosa and he's never gonna be heard from again" or more like "This was rejected from a WCW Se7en vignette." The match itself was not their best by a long shot, but I'm sure the chemistry will evolve if they decide to keep the feud going til next month. I felt like they were a lot less tentative than at WM. Evolution/Shield is a MOTYC for me. Reigns looked like $$$$, the usual tag formulas were executed perfectly, and the brawl through the crowd really added a lot to the match. Rollins' dive from the bleachers was one of the coolest things I've seen in a minute. I might have even liked this match more than Shield/Wyatts from EC, to be entirely honest. Which is saying a lot since I've been pretty critical lately about anything involving HHH or Big Dave. I actually really enjoyed Bryan/Kane. I've been reading a lot of mixed opinions here and elsewhere, but even if it wasn't a classic, it was still a good-natured, fun, unassuming tribute to the late 90s IMO. Saw the forklift and immediately thought of the Rock/Mankind Super Bowl finish (thank God we didn't get that.)
kafkonia Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 I'd like to imagine that Little Johnny is Little Jimmy's visible, possessed cousin. I'm hoping this will lead to Heidenreich as a new member of the Wyatt Family.
Greggulator Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Anyone watching the Cesaro/Heyman press conference will see why Cesaro is so friggin' great as a heel. Oh my god, this is a master class in being a smug prick. Heyman is also terrific. "I have nothing but respect for you, ma'am. And I only have a little of that."
Niners Fan in CT Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Heyman clowning reporters. He's the Popovich of the WWE. 1
piranesi Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 BATISTA FASHION WATCH - SPECIAL PPV WORK TRUNKS EDITION: Ass Eye of Ass Mordor: hand drawn from memory 1
Big Fresh Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 I don't mind the kid, but that dumb voice modulator thing will kill the gimmick. It's not a trick nobody has seen in 2014. Everyone in your audience can do that same thing with their fucking phones. Stop it. Just let the kid sing. It worked on Raw.
muhammedboehm Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 My issue with the cage match is that the psychology of it was back wards. Cena should have go in with a game plan of beating the hell out of Bray and making him tap out possibly to the point of Cena cracking in the end. And Bray should have been doing everything he could to climb the cage or slip out the door at every chance. Instead the match was done the opposite way, with Cena trying to get out at every chance and Bray trying to beat the crap out of Cena. I really really hate the 'extreme rules''s bad when even the announcers have no fucking idea what is and isn't ok. Ref yelling for Kane to get back on the ring leads to JBL saying something like 'he can yell all he wants but they don't have to'. which then leads to why is Bryant driving Kane back to the ring? Oh cause a match that doesn't include a ten count and flaming tables are ok still has to finish with a pin in the ring? 1
piranesi Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Why is Barrett being so nice in his press conference thing? He's coming off as such a respectful co-worker. THIS GIMMICK IS RUINED FOR ME!!!
eikerir Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Barrett's conference sound like the most "REAL" of them all,.
Niners Fan in CT Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Barrett is so great. He's putting over the win, the title and Big E's strength. Big E was kind of funny there.. I wish he could let loose and run with his real life personality. The man is hilarious.
Rehabilitated Rick Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Where is that Big E every monday (press conference)? What a genuinely funny man.
Charlie M. Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 Where is that Big E every monday (press conference)? What a genuinely funny man. Reading what some sheltered 25 year old white kid wrote for him? 3
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