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Not exactly sure what you guys were expecting out of this, but it's exactly what I thought it'd be and I'm fine with it.

Boring and pointless?

I mean, I can fully understand this being someone's expectation, but I'm not sure how this equates to "I'm fine with it."


sounds like someone expected way too much out of a reality show starring geriatric men


Please, do tell -  what did you want to see this show to be? Did you want to see Tony Atlas and Hillbilly Jim doing physical challenges to compete for money? A ROSTER SPOT? No, really, please, tell me what you saw this show being when it was first announced and you knew the cast members. Anyone who didn't expect exactly what they delivered - go watch Big Brother or something.




You do have to admit all 8 guys did a great job with the "we filmed this 3 years ago, nobody die until we can air it" challenge.


Ahahahahaha, that's fucking brilliant. ALL THE LIKES!

  • 2 weeks later...

Tony Atlas and his amazing creepy foot fetish.


"She's OUR Princess!  Let's go save the bitch..."


Pat Patterson dressed as a midevil pimp.


This show has everything.


Yep, this weeks was one of the funniest episodes I thought. If they make a new series would everyone keep the cast together or replace them with a new set of legends or keep some in the show. I'd keep Hot Rod, Hacksaw, Tony & maybe Hillybilly Jim too and add some more funny personalities into the show. 


Everyone must go. EVERYONE! Everyone in that house is towing the company line. I want to see a house filled with guys who truly don't give a shit because they know that no matter how much ass they kiss- they will NEVER work with WWE outside of the Legends' House gig. New Jack, Sandman, Billy Jack Haynes, etc. Bring in all the nutcases. Bring in all the salty guys like Paul Roma. Bring in the compulsive liars like Sunny. No one respectable or semi-relevant should step foot in that house going forward. WWE can EASILY get 3 more INTERESTING seasons out of this show just using wrestlers from the 90's.


Isn't wrestling just, you know, live action role playing?


If you put Gene Snitsky and a bunch of bare foot divas in there with Tony Atlas, it would be, well, absurdly creepy. That's all I got.


Scott Steiner would definately liven this place up but then there's nothing in the history of entertainment that Scott Steiner couldn't liven up. Would possibly need subtitles though and I'd be worried that he would literally murder Jimmy Hart. 


Just caught up on the show as I have been sick in bed all day. It's gotten increasingly better, and is good for a reality show (also liked Surreal Life, which was aptly compared to this early in the thread). And for the dude who thinks that Ashley is that hot, I'd love to know what you judge to be a beautiful woman?


I got bored so I finally started watching this on demand on Saturday. Didn't expect much because I'm not much of a reality tv person to say the least, but I ended up going full blown Netflix marathon mode and finishing the all the episodes that aired so far in one sitting.


I read a lot of negativity before watching and now I don't see where all the it's coming from. It's a great time waster, hilarious and gives me something to do before NXT on Thursday.


I just finished watching the last 7 episodes of Dads and wanted something lite. Legends House hit the spot. A six pack of Wilde Blue and two episodes of Legends House is what the doctor ordered after a week like this.


It's 2014. What is Pat Patterson hiding? And from whom? And WHY? Seriously. I can understand not wanting to say anything in the 60-90's, but in 2014...it is WAY MORE acceptable. I can't relate to his battle, as a guy on the other side of the fence, and it just seems like he just needs to say it. NOTHING happened to Darren but massive media coverage and positive press releases from WWE.


In all seriousness...what is the he afraid of in 2014?


I thought he came out of the closet a couple of years ago? If so maybe he's just afraid to be open about it while he's around his peers. Lets face it even though it is 2014 we're talking about a whole different generation here. I may be wrong because I do not know the man and even if I did one can never really know what's going on in another persons head.


From the sounds of it, Patterson may have some issue with his sexuality being one of the worst kept secrets in wrestling for so long. I imagine that someone from that generation having a hard time  with strangers around the world being aware of your sexuality while dealing with your own identity.


I thought he came out of the closet a couple of years ago? If so maybe he's just afraid to be open about it while he's around his peers. Lets face it even though it is 2014 we're talking about a whole different generation here. I may be wrong because I do not know the man and even if I did one can never really know what's going on in another persons head.

Keep in mind this show was filmed 2 years ago. He might not have come out yet.


Was this the last episode or is there one more? Rough to watch Jimmy Hart talk about his daughter. Tony Atlas was very sweet there.

These last two episodes have been a marked improvement. If they do go with a second season I hope they stick more to this kinda stuff and less of the larping and polo and such.

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