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I have pretty much zero interest in it. I wish they had chose a more interesting cast and that trailers didn't look so goofy (Oh look, they're doing yoga this week!)

Great concept, but it seemed like they blew it. If I'm wrong, someone let me know I need to start watching.


I'm gonna try to watch this either tonight or tomorrow. I'm strangely curious to see if it's any good. I think it'll either be trainwreck entertaining or just horrendous. Gary Busey being in the first episode sold me on at least giving it a chance.


I forced myself to watch it but I'm not sure I'll catch the whole season. It just wasn't interesting. Very easy to see why it wasn't picked up by any network. Pat Patterson being a bit of a pervert with a butcher was kinda funny though.


It was ok. I'll probably watch a few more. No real surprises so far...Hacksaw seems super nice, Piper is a nut, Atlas is goofy, Jimmy Hart is a loudmouth.

That Ashley chick is alright.


I sort of loved it, which I'm ashamed of. Piper was born to be a reality TV heel. Within five minutes he had cut one of the all time great "I'm not here to make friends" promos, but then he followed it up by failing to operate a blender. Tremendous. I feel like after this is over, he needs to be on Big Brother or Survivor or something. 


Pat Paterson being an old perv was pretty excellent. I hope season two is Pat taking the rest of the Legends on one of his 29 day cruises through Europe. 


Having Piper and Patterson call Busey on his bullshit immediately followed by Tony Atlas eating it all up was funny if not a tad exploitative. Although its a reality show about retired carnies, so I guess I should probably know what I'm in for and not complain about how sleazy some of it might get. 


I just saw it and it's kinda eh. It really has no hook to it and it doesn't give you any real reason to watch the following week.


I think this is gonna be a tough one to do much with. The legends all are too beat up to do the typical reality show challenges and there isn't a real stand out character. One other issue here is that there is nothing to compete for, which kills the drama. There is no win or go home storyline here and honestly, even if there was, we all know going home would be the actual prize. So what you end up getting is a bunch of people who don't want to be there trying to make chicken shit into chicken salad.


Some thoughts on the characters:

- Piper is really uncomfortable to watch. It's like watching a veteran with PTSD. I'm sure he is hamming it up but there's some realities to wrestling that don't need to be advertised.

- Hillbilly, Hart and Hacksaw are pretty similar. Just nice old uncle type of dudes.

- Pat so far may be the highlight. He's basically your "overly gay guy" character. It really works for this show though because he doesn't have other ramped up personalities to compete with.

- Tony Atlas is supposed to be the loveable oaf I suppose, much like his WWE character. I guess maybe he will get a racism episode or something, but I don't think he's going to make much of a difference. He's a lot like Hacksaw and Hillbilly in just being chill guys in real life. Not really the type of guy that would work on these.

- Fink didn't get much time but I actually think he could be one of the more interesting people on the show. We don't know a ton about him so I'm interested to see what happens. Maybe he could be a dark horse character.

- Gene is gonna be the creep of this series. He probably will also stir stuff up. I think he's going to come out of this show looking bad to the people that haven't seen his low points.


I'll check out next week's show but this one was just depressing.


I just saw the first episode and the show feels like a carbon copy of The Surreal Life but with wrestlers. I did enjoy watching Gary Busey being called out by Piper and Patterson though. I can't really see the show being carried much after that.


Gene seems to be the most depressed (or at least hiding the most) compared to Piper. I honestly thought that Piper was going to attempt suicide at the end.


I dunno if those last few minutes were faked or not, but they were uncomfortable to watch. If Piper really is on the wagon, forcing him to live with a bunch of old carnies in a house stocked full of booze is a shitty thing to do.

I could do without the Patterson gay jokes.

Hillbilly Jim is really into meditation. Huh.

The Hacksaw/Tony argument was weird. Like, they were arguing totally different things, but neither could see that the other person wasn't saying "you're wrong."

Gene talking about his drinks being the "reward for a hard day's work"...what hard day's work? You meditated (or not) and had breakfast with Gary Busey. You ain't diggin' any ditches.

Piper pointing out the difference between a wrestler and an actor was a pretty good point.

One of the most interesting things to me was how most of the guys reacted to the opulence of the house. It's funny to think that these are all guys we know from being on TV, and probably none of them (with the possible exception of Piper, for a short time) has ever been rich. A lot of them have probably been pretty down, money-wise.

One of the most "interesting" things was how everything got really awkward when Ashley entered.


One of the most interesting things to me was how most of the guys reacted to the opulence of the house. It's funny to think that these are all guys we know from being on TV, and probably none of them (with the possible exception of Piper, for a short time) has ever been rich. A lot of them have probably been pretty down, money-wise.



That really stuck out for me too. With all that he's given the WWF/E, and the position he holds, Pat Patterson isn't living well? Wrestling is awful.


I had flashbacks of the MTV True Life with Tony Atlas in a shitty, unkempt apartment eating tuna out of a can watching VHS tapes of his glory days. Some "legend," eh?


That really stuck out for me too. With all that he's given the WWF/E, and the position he holds, Pat Patterson isn't living well? Wrestling is awful.

He's probably doing okay, but not "big house in Palm Springs" okay. But yeah, it is.


I had flashbacks of the MTV True Life with Tony Atlas in a shitty, unkempt apartment eating tuna out of a can watching VHS tapes of his glory days. Some "legend," eh?

I'd imagine money is the reason all 8 of these guys are on this show. The ones who saved their pennies and have a tidy nest egg aren't touching it with a 10 foot pole.


Someone tweeted JR asking if he'd participate in a season of Legends House. His answer: "Not happening. Too busy." Real answer: "Fuck no."

The lack of bbq sauce makes me question your translation skills.


Yeah. Cruises go for 4-digits. That Palm Springs house is probably 7.

Long ass European cruises don't go for four figures. Pat isn't going on shitty Mexican booze cruises


My girlfriend and I watched it, and she had no idea who anyone was.  She just said, "I think it's a show about how old people complain a lot."

Not marriage material IMHO.

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Yeah. Cruises go for 4-digits. That Palm Springs house is probably 7.

Long ass European cruises don't go for four figures. Pat isn't going on shitty Mexican booze cruises

Well that's what HE says, anyway. Ask me, I think Pat worked you .



Yeah. Cruises go for 4-digits. That Palm Springs house is probably 7.

Long ass European cruises don't go for four figures. Pat isn't going on shitty Mexican booze cruises



Maybe on the West Coast, but us awesome East Coasters can take a 30 day cruise from NY to Europe and back for under 7K.  The idea that only the rich can go on cruises is funny, I have been on a cruise and I sure as hell ain't rich.  Just employed and capable of saving money :)


I used to work for one of the larger, think they're higher end cruise lines so I think my idea might be skewed upward a bit.

No I didn't get to go on any trips.

I only worked in the office and it fucking sucked

I've been on a carribbean cruise through another cruise line and man, half of St Martin is the shit.

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