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Podcast Potpourri (aka Not Austin, AOW, Talk Is Jericho....)

Rev Ray

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He would wear NY sports gear every time he came out for a segment because his "character" was a "NY" guy. But when he came out in a SF Giants jersey (supposedly the team he likes in real life) the fans would believe the segment was a shoot.

That's the best thing I've ever read.

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Russo and Konnan discussing baseball.. yeah, I wanna see what would happen if Russo started trying to book baseball


also, the Russo SF Giants thing has been out there for at least 3 1/2 years, despite Russo selling it as an exclusive to the podcast




Russo claims he had "logic" in the angle as he wore a San Francisco Giants jersey instead of a New York one "to prove it was real."


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So it seems like JR listens to Austin's podcast and just books the same guest 2 weeks later.  He has Bischoff on today.  Who the fuck wants to hear more Eric Bischoff after the Austin mini-series?

I am SICK of this. All of those Podcast One dudes just get the same guests. Sick of it.


Cheap Heat Podcast on ESPN's Grantland has been solid for the last 3 weeks. They had a cool interview with Velbet Sky a few weeks ago. I don't even watch TNA and don't know much about her but I was impressed with the interview.

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another baseball mention for Sullivan/Cornette part 2 (Sullivan saying he traveled from Seattle to Cleveland to see the Red Sox and that he was a David Ortiz mark).


not sure what alternate universe Sullivan was in with his timeline about Goldberg/Mongo and the Super Bowl ring angle


Sullivan's talks about dealing with WCW in 97/98 is fun though


"You have to make Alex Wright your World Heavyweight Champion"




Ted DiBiase and Jim Ross. I'm sure JR will do the usual nonsense about his sticking points... and just as I typed that, he asked about the demise of the territories. Fuck.


DiBiase talking about his dad, West Texas State was pretty quality. Along with JR noting that Dick Murdoch claimed to be an alum and played in alumni games without actually going there


DiBiase was real good on all the history stuff, even if JR had to hit his talking points.


The Wrestling Podcast life means I listened to JR and Kevin Sullivan impersonate Jim Barnett on the same day

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I listened to Bushwacker Luke on Cabana's podcast today also, another couple of great Jim Barnett anecdotes.  The Truman Capote comparison seems very accurate!.


Also, Luke might be the best interview Cabana has ever done, Colt couldnt get a word in.  Genuinely entertaining interview.  Luke is a legend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest MLW: I think I just heard a great discussion on the current state of wrestling and WHY it got the way that it currently is. I don't like prisoner of the moment statements but this was one of the better NON-interview podcasts I have heard, wrestling related. MSL, Konnan, Disco. Go listen for yourself but it is a very good show. They get on you "internet dudes" about how yall scared away the casual fans. Yea, YALL. - http://mlwradio.libsyn.com/episode-135-helluva-deal

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MSL, Konnan, Disco. Go listen for yourself

those two sentences are contradictory


They get on you "internet dudes" about how yall scared away the casual fans. Yea, YALL.

...aaaand that's all I need to hear.

Also: wow, the BALLS on Mister Saint Laurent condemning "the internet guys". Or did I step into an alternate universe where he's NOT the guy who stole "Chinese Democracy" and leaked it on the internet? What a fucking hypocrite. Not to mention, y'know, the kayfabe-destroying Last Call internet show he masterminded. And give a glance at his twitter page (if you can stand it), there's a post less than a year old where he actively compares Dave Meltzer to Konnan and then says Dave's better. Which is, y'know, true, but did anyone inform Konnan of that? (And can someone point me in the direction of a Youtube match with his commentary, just so I can see if I was a better announcer than him, too?)

Hell, all three of 'em are hypocrites; Konnan's been doing every single online show that would ever bother to include him since Al Gore originally invented the concept. (Actually the Gore thing isn't really a funny joke since he kinda DID help invent the internet since he was practically the only Congressman supporting initiatives for network-building back in the 80s, but I digress.) As for Disco, hey, does your hatred of the Internet mean that you WEREN'T running around the arena before a TNA show, with a laptop, making everyone watch one of the then-current Iraqi beheading videos as if it was the funniest damn piece of satirical entertainment you'd ever seen in your life? Not to mention sitting around with Russo surfing da net at all random hours.

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Jeez, can't escape the sleaze thread as it makes a second appearance on We Watch Wrestling....



Ross was wondering the percentage of divorces of World Champions, a rough estimation through wiki while bored at work:


WWE Title:
Hogan - D
Andre - Not married?
Savage - D
Warrior - D
Slaughter - ?
Flair - D
Undertaker - D
Hart - D
Yokozuna - ?
Backlund - not divorced?
Nash - seperated but back together?
Michaels - divorced, not sure if he was a champion at that point.
Sid - not divorced?
Austin - D
Kane - not divorced?
Rock - D
Foley - not divorced
HHH - not divorced
McMahon - not divorced
Lesnar - not divorced
Show - D
Jericho - not divorced
Angle - D
Guerrero - seperated but back together?
Cena - D
Edge - D
RVD - not divorced
Orton - D
Hardy - not divorced
Batista - D
Sheamus - ?
Miz - not divorced
Punk - not divorced
Mysterio - not divorced
Del Rio - not divorced?
Bryan - not divorced
Goldberg - not divorced
Benoit - divorced
Booker T - divorced
Khali - not divorced
Swagger - not divorced?
Ziggler - not married
Christian - not divorced
Henry - not divorced?
18 divorced
2 seperated but got back together with wife
2 not married
3 unknown
20 not divorced *note, some of these wedding (bryan, Miz, Punk) are recent
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