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30 minutes ago, Zakk_Sabbath said:

The SD2 comparison is a pretty good one @SirSmUgly- based on the early art and hype videos and the idea of it being a modernized THQ/AKI game, I was expecting a more Def Jam-meets-No Mercy-like experience, myself - traditional wrestling gameplay, but with that heightened, more arcadey pacing and visual. The visuals almost got there, but the gameplay was just... stilted (which is exactly how I'd describe the first two SD games, as well).

Def Jam gameplay is a good goal if the game is going to be at this pace. However, Def Jam got the impact of the moves right. They were so crunchy. I don't think a Yuke's game that I have played has ever had moves that consistently felt impactful.


Idk it's weird, like they made such a big deal about the animation going back to the old methods, but it's got that same janky mo-cap feeling you get from WWE2K sometimes where it'll be (for example) some endless armdrag or hammerlock reversal animation that takes for-f'n-ever to get through, and then a millisecond after it finally ends, the AI decides '2ND ROPE ASAI MOONSAULT, BITCH' before you're even fully on your feet.


That or you get to signature early, spam them, and then snap off a finisher for a quick win. Even at high levels, that loop works.

As with AEW television, I want it to be good. Even if the television is just not for a wrestling fan like me, I am more than happy to play AEW games if they're good. Heck, with the general house style in the company, the video game should probably be a little more toward the pacey, arcade-y side, but it's got to retain the crunchiness of the big moves like IRL AEW matches emphasize.

Def Jam is probably an ideal comp for what a new AEW game should move and feel like, the more I consider it. I think you're on to something there.

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15 hours ago, AxB said:

The best way to rebuild goodwill with Wrestling Game players is really simple: FREE UPDATES. And that means NO SEASON PASSES... and considering that the Wrasslin Video Games thread has a guy who is constantly giving us updates on his Battle Pass progress and card collections, please don't include any of that bullshit either. The FIFA-isation of sports games is bad and should be stopped.

I have such a hatred - nay, RESENTMENT - for the mere existence of MyFaction, that I'm not even gonna go to the folder because if it's a poster I like, I don't wanna lose all respect for them and/or be so unable to control myself that the Man in Black appears

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On 7/15/2024 at 5:47 PM, AxB said:

and considering that the Wrasslin Video Games thread has a guy who is constantly giving us updates on his Battle Pass progress and card collections, please don't include any of that bullshit either. The FIFA-isation of sports games is bad and should be stopped.

Hey! You can @ me next time. 🤣 To be fair, I'm not spending real money on the mode (and I refuse to) and I've gotten some decent results and it's enough updated content to keep me entertained after going through the story modes and I haven't touched Universe Mode yet.

  • Haha 1
On 7/16/2024 at 10:15 AM, Zakk_Sabbath said:

I have such a hatred - nay, RESENTMENT - for the mere existence of MyFaction, that I'm not even gonna go to the folder because if it's a poster I like, I don't wanna lose all respect for them and/or be so unable to control myself that the Man in Black appears

I may have complained about this here before, but the only thing I know about "MyFaction" is that if you accidentally click on it in WWE 2K23, you are STUCK. Either restart the game or be prepared to spend ten to fifteen minutes making choices where you have no idea what you're doing with no ability to go back to the main game menu. Just insanely bad UI design.

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It's bad design for us as users but good design for developers to keep us in that loop. NBA2k has the same issue and I have a burning rage for their card mode. The appeal for WWE was the persona cards to use in other modes. I've got a few but there's a struggle for others (I'd love to see the numbers on who has Shield Seth, Rounds Match Trick or the 09 Orton).

Back to the AEW game, I agree with SirSmUgly about the mechanics being easy with spamming your signature then hitting your special (which is good for the story mode in certain matches, bad for a competitive match).

And the move impact is a thing too, FirePro is really good about it and I have a distinctive memory of moves from the AKI games with the athletes groaning, the crowd making noise and the crunch and boom of the opponent hitting the mat. And that's not quite there with this game and in theory we have access to better sound quality so it should be better.

Posted (edited)
48 minutes ago, Ramo2653 said:

Hey! You can @ me next time. 🤣 To be fair, I'm not spending real money on the mode (and I refuse to) and I've gotten some decent results and it's enough updated content to keep me entertained after going through the story modes and I haven't touched Universe Mode yet.

I'm just busting chops! No legit hate, just not my thing - it's funny you mention UM, too, because I'm an avid UM guy, and I get the sense from other players that there's a real pervasive idea that MF takes away "resources" from fixing UM bugs that have persisted since '16 or longer. I'm incredibly thankful you're smart enough not to spend real dough on it - but the way they push it when you open the game, and make it impossible to back out of like @tbarriewrote is just comically predatory. The only thing I disagree with T on is the "insanely bad UI" - IMO it's working exactly as intended, when whatever team in whatever boardroom went "Hey I got an idea, let's trap children in a casino"

Edited by Zakk_Sabbath
ah you beat me by a second!
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ALSO, not to turn this thread into "An Insincere and Poorly-Intended Letter to WWE/2K" but I've gotta mention this: not sure if anyone else noticed when accepting the last 2-3 EULAs, but you can no longer sue them for anything - private arbitration only, as individuals, no mass filing. So if anyone read me type the word "predatory" earlier, and was like "Won't someone please think of the children?" Nah, that's over.

On 7/20/2024 at 2:07 PM, Ramo2653 said:

It's bad design for us as users but good design for developers to keep us in that loop.

On 7/20/2024 at 2:09 PM, Zakk_Sabbath said:

The only thing I disagree with T on is the "insanely bad UI" - IMO it's working exactly as intended, when whatever team in whatever boardroom went "Hey I got an idea, let's trap children in a casino"

I get where you're both coming from, but I'd argue that good UI from the corporation's point of view would be to make the damn thing seem enticing so people will spend money. This just made me increasingly confused and frustrated and more desperate to find a way out of the damn thing. That doesn't serve anybody's interests.

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