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A boring Cena-Reigns promo set up Dean Ambrose being great both cutting a promo before and during an ass-kicking from the Authority goons. Cena and Roman did nothing - I guess they were busy staring into each others' eyes or something. Miz and Sheamus had a nothing match that was literally so important they ran the complete Battleground IC Title graphics down during it. Miz won after Sheamus missed the kick in the corner and they said "money maker" a billion times. The Authority all had bad acting skits outside of Seth, who wasn't there. They BEGGED people to sign up for the free preview and hyped up subscribing. Dolph faced Fandango in a nothing match that was just an excuse for Summer Lay dancing. Sandow and Rose did comedy to pimp Sonic (the food, not the hedgehog). Jesus fuck that was terribawful. UCE-OH LOOK OUT! Greatness with the Wyatt beatdown. The Lana-Zeb thing was a blast at times - not worth rewatching though. RVD-Alberto was nothing, and the hype for the Punk doc on the network was a pleasant surprise. Nikk's handicap match was bad, but STING'S WWE 2K15 HYPE VIDEO WAS AMAZING. Orton and HHH acted poorly before they nixed Heyman with Cesaro, who proceeded to lose again - to Big E. So he gets a losing streak AND THE IC TITLE. Goddamn did his push not go as well as planned. The Jericho-Bray segment was fantastic, and Paige was far better this ween on commentary than before. Bo-Khali overdelivered thanks to the amazing work of Bo and JBL. Flair's stuff with Renee was creepy. Boy, Flair holding up Big Gold one last time would've been cooler if he'd had time to hoist it properly - and since Cena said keep it - HE'S GOT SOMETHING NEW TO PAWN! Main event was a bunch of nothing. They did a DQ finish for double-teaming leading to everyone in the fatal 4 way having issues with each other as a result of finishers being done to their either fellow face or heel. I did like Reigns standing tall at the end though - since he's not winning, they're at least making him look really strong here. Screens - Boy do Cena and Kane ever look similar facially.