Since it's the 1st, I thought it was the best time to kick this off. Strange year in that the big Oscar heavy hitters seemed to disappoint while the big box office hits are picking up EOY steam ('Fury Road' was named the top movie of 2015 per Roger Ebert's site editors).
WHO: WHAT: The DVDVR Movie Poll! WHERE: Post your lists here in the thread, via PM, or email them to me
WHEN: NEW DATE: March 29th, 2016! WHY: Because we're the best.
HOW: You can vote for up to 30 films, extra weight will be given to the Top 10, slightly less to 11-20 and 21-30 will each receive one vote. Let's go!
"We live, we die...we live again! And we vote for a Maximum of 30 Films!"