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Everything posted by MonteCarl

  1. Man, I have a whole coffee table book about this very subject at home somewhere. I'll have to dig it out to take and post some pics
  2. Saw this posted on Reddit and found it interesting. It's a list of the most losses on RAW from the beginning of the show in 1993 to the end of 2018. Chris Jericho 206 Kane 182 The Miz 156 Dolph Ziggler 154 Randy Orton 148 Triple H 142 Christian 135 Cody Rhodes 132 Big Show 132 Kofi Kingston 127 Edge 125 Goldust 120 Cesaro 116 Sheamus 113 Jeff Hardy 109 Jack Swagger 108 Matt Hardy 107 Alicia Fox 103 Bubba Ray Dudley 100 Mark Henry 95 John Cena 95 Curtis Axel 95 Santino Marella 94 Seth Rollins 83 Val Venis 82 Heath Slater 81 D-Von Dudley 80 Mickie James 80 JBL 79 Titus O’Neil 78 Test 77 Shelton Benjamin 76 William Regal 76 R-Truth 73 Billy Gunn 73 Carlito 72 John Morrison 71 Ric Flair 70 Zack Ryder 70 Trish Stratus 69 X-Pac 67 RVD 67 Brie Bella 66 Shawn Michaels 65 Alberto Del Rio 65 CM Punk 64 Kurt Angle 63 Victoria 63 The Rock 61 A-Train 61
  3. So i'm watching this show right now, and suddenly there is no commentary track at all. It was there for the opening women's match then it went to commercial, and when it came back, no commentary for the Forgotten Son match. Rest of the audio is there, just no commentary. Commercial again, Velveteen Dream video package, and now commentary track is back. Weird.
  4. Unlike RAW, this show actually did shake things up a bit. Naomi gets a title shot. Good Brothers and Sanity appear and re-insert themselves into the tag division. Mustafa Ali now a permanent member of the roster, and then getting a pin on the WWE Champ. Good stuff.
  5. We're shaking things up! Here's the same show we've aired for the last three months!! For real, though. I like all the NXT call ups. Surprised Dream isn't in there. Also liked that they actually set up and promoted a bunch of matches for next week. They should keep that up every week
  6. So let's say somehow before Mania, both Charlotte and Becky end up on RAW and the WM match is them vs Rousey. Who does SDL get in return and what would be the title match for Asuka at Mania? Naomi? Nia? Alexa? A called up from NXT Io?
  7. Watched Downsizing for the first time a few nights ago. I was really interested in the world they set up, and thought they did a good job creating talking points that people would really be arguing about a concept like that. I was looking forward to watching a movie about that world. Then they went on and told a story about Matt Damon's character that really had nothing to do with them being small and that could've been told in any other movie. It was like at the half way point, it became a completely different movie and they all forgot they were "downsized" at all.
  8. It really was the perfect last day. And, like I said in my post, is the only thing keeping me going now. Damn I'll miss having him around, but those last days were just about as good as it could've gotten.
  9. Elias must have somebody on the payroll, because he seems to be the only one to get consistently decent shirts
  10. One week ago today, my father passed away. A number of years ago, he started having heart issues. He had some surgery, got things cleared out, got a pace maker, it's all good. Shortly after all the heart surgeries, he found that he was easily becoming short of breath. He couldn't do as much without having to stop and rest. He kept going back in and having his heart checked out, but nobody could find anything. They started to look in to other possible causes. One year ago, he was diagnosed with Pulminary Fibrosis. Scar tissue was growing inside his lungs at an alarming rate. It is a terminal disease with a life expectancy rate of 3-5 years after diagnosis. It had been about 2-3 years since his heart surgeries and since he started having the breathing issues. He'd been on oxygen basically 24/7 since the diagnosis. He got one last year out of life before succumbing to the disease. On Thanksgiving Day, he was not feeling well. He could barely get out of his chair, and when he walked across the room, he'd be fully out of breath. He had a small 100.4 degree temperature, but he did not want to go to the hospital yet. Two weeks ago today, he had a bad morning and decided to go in to see the Dr. He would not come home again. They put him in the ICU as he required 100% oxygen to help him breathe properly. The first 2-3 days in the ICU, things looked hopeful. Maybe it's just a virus or the beginning of pneumonia or fluid on his lungs. They'll get that all cleared out and he'll be out of the hospital before the end of the week. As the week progressed and more and more tests were done and nothing else of any consequence was found, things started looking more and more dire. Hospice was considered just so he could get home for his final days, but it would require him to be so drugged up to make the trip that he really wouldn't know what was going on anyway, so he didn't see the point. He didn't want his last days to be spent drugged up and in a coma. He decided that now was the time. He could've lived for as long as he wanted to inside the confines of room 705 in the ICU of the hospital, but that is not how he wanted to live. He wanted all his boys to be there (5 boys, 3 across this state and 2 in other parts of the country) before he went to sleep one last time. Once we all were there, we had one last day together. Honestly, it was an amazing day. We all sat around in the room together. We laughed. We cried. We listed to music (Johnny Cash was his favorite). We all said our goodbyes. He was as courageous as a man as I've ever seen in my life on that day. He was quick as a whip. He made everybody in that room laugh all day long. He cheered us up for what was to come. Without that last day with him, I don't know that I'd be holding it together as well as I still am one week later. Shortly after 5pm, he said it was time. The nurse came in to start him on the morphine. As soon as the drip was placed to his arm, he faked immediate death only to pop back up seconds later with a laugh and an "I'm just kidding!", causing everybody in the room to groan and then laugh. But then the morphine soon took it's toll and eventually he fell in to his final sleep. Not long after 7:30pm, with Johnny Cash playing softly in the background, surrounded by his sons, his daughter-in-laws, his grand kids, his sisters, and his wife curled up in the bed beside him, he took his final breaths. The world lost a one-of-a-kind man one week ago. I'm still trying to accept and process it. I don't think it has really hit me still. I don't know that it ever will.
  11. With Nia being the top heel, Meng would not be the equivalent as Meng was never the top heel. I'd say a better equivalent would be Nia is Earthquake and Tamina is Dino Bravo
  12. Hey, it was late and i was typing on my phone. My bad. Point still stands. It just seems like some wouldn't be happy unless Nia were fired immediately.
  13. I've seen a lot of complaining (not as much here as other places) from people upset that Nia got "rewarded" with the big win tonight and angry about how they are using Becky's legit injury now as a story to get Nia more over as a heel. I wonder how long those people have been watching wrestling. Turning a legit injury in to a storyline is as old as wrestling itself. I mean, I BROKE YAHOO'S LEG, OWEN 316, even Rollins exploding Cenas nose as a more recent example. But I guess since Becky is the chosen one right now and hating Nia is the "cool thing" all of a sudden this is exploitative and "only happening because who Nia is related to".
  14. So, I heard that in the time span of the time jump, the walkers have since "evolved" and can now talk? Is this accurate? How can anybody have thought that is a good idea? I stopped watching in the middle of last season, and if this zombie talking thing is real, I'm so glad I got out when I did.
  15. As a follow up to my previous post, I recently went to the Dr and found I've lost 20lbs. Nothing huge, and still several pounds away from my goal weight, but still moving in a positive direction
  16. I agree about Overlord. Was totally not expecting the movie we got. Not that I thought it was going to be outright bad or anything, but it was quite good. It was a basically just a movie about a platoon during WWII for an hour or so until they go underground and find.....what they find. Pleasantly surprised by it and really enjoyed it.
  17. ......a heel turned Daniel Bryan? Who saw that coming? I know Bryan can handle it and I think the story will be intriguing, but putting him in there with Brock may not be the best idea. So Becky did not drop the title. They acknowledged the injury, complete with several brutal replays. Becky chose Charlotte to replace her in the match, then gave her a hug. Does this end the feud? I hope not. I hope Charlotte loses to Ronda and it fuels Becky even further and sends Charlotte even further down her "uncertain" path. An eventual heel turn and the feud continues against a now badass face Becky. But who is going to be on the SDL Women's Team? Not a lot to choose from. Lana or Mandy are not exactly great replacements. I dunno, though. Despite WWE giving zero days of hype to what should be two HUGE matches with ample build and hype with Charlotte/Ronda and Bryan/Brock, I did enjoy this week's show.
  18. Oops. And now that I've been quoted, I see that I posted that in the wrong thread. Oh well. Disappointed Becky is out of the Survivor Series match. Wonder how they'll handle it on SD tonight? Ignore it and pretend the match is still happening, then do some angle/schmozz at the show? Just have somebody else step up and have the match in her place, even though it's then not Champ v Champ? They certainly can't strip her of the title just so they can have a Champ v Champ match at SS can they?
  19. I watched the Hulu version of this show. There were a total of 3 matches shown (Lashley/Elias, Finn/Dolph, Sasha/Bayley) with all three matches cut down for a total of maybe 20 minutes of in ring time. The first match didn't start until over an hour in to the show.
  20. Back towards the end of August, I went to the Dr because of some back problems I was having. While there, I got weighed and came in at 222 pounds. That is the heaviest I've ever been. I knew I was gaining weight, but didn't think I had gained almost 10lbs from the last time I knew my weight (I don't have a scale in my house and never paid attention to my actual weight number). From that point, I started counting my calories and have been staying at or under 1600 calories a day in my effort to get below 200lbs - goal weight of 195. It hasn't been as hard as I thought. I still eat a lot of what I used to for meals, but with better portion control and with the knowledge that if I eat this candy bar or eat that burger, it's going towards my 1600 calories and later in the day I won't be able to eat anything or I'll go over the calorie goal. It's made me very conscious of what and how much I eat. I was a huge snacker. I'm talking half a full bag of pretzels a day at my desk type snacking. That snacking between meals is gone almost completely, and when I do snack, I've changed up for fruits, veggies, veggies chips, light unbuttered popcorn, and again major portion control. It's working. After Labor Day Weekend, I began doing DDPYoga. I haven't been going crazy with it, mostly keeping it to two to three times a week when I can get it in my schedule. About two weeks ago, while in the middle of one of the workouts, I felt a pop in my lower spine followed by another pop. Not a bad pop, a good pop. My lower spine readjusted and I almost immediately felt better. When I woke up the next morning, I rolled out of bed without major discomfort in my lower back for the first time in a year. I still have some pain, especially when sitting/slouching for too long, but it is like night and day from where it was. That has motivated me even more and I've since tried to pick up the amount of programs I do a week. I did 5 last week and have already done 2 this week. I have not weighed myself since that day at the Dr in August, but I know I have lost a significant amount of weight. Everything is loose on me. Clothes that haven't fit in a year now fit perfectly or hang off me. I have a physical/check up this Thursday and will be weighed again for the first time since the 222lbs in August. When I started this, I told myself I was not going to weigh myself again until this checkup. I'm curious to see this number and where I'm at. I know how I look now and that weight has come off, but I also know I want to lose more. Looking forward to seeing that number on Thursday morning.
  21. My friend Alica has a YouTube channel where she interviews wrestlers. Her latest guest is Stan Hansen, but she's also had on Jake Roberts, Mick Foley, Terry Funk, and more. Check it out
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