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  1. Hopefully. That’s at least more understandable than being such a fanboy that he let Punk run over the rest of the locker room. I watched a couple of Metlzer’s YouTube videos over the weekend ri catch up on what’s i missed the last few months. At one point, Meltzer said Punk became unhappy again when Omega and the Bucks signed new contracts. So now I’m wondering if Punk thought TK would basically shove the Elite towards WWE for Punk? I dunno. I don’t have a lot of time for Phil Brooks whiny adolescent routine. Metlzer also threw out the idea that Punk attacking both Jack Perry and TK was a calculated move to get himself fired (I guess to be free to go to Stamford without a oersky non-complete clause), though Dave immediately said he wasn’t sure Phil was that clever. Not a good look for whiny man-baby Phil either way.
  2. When I saw the ESPN headline about Punk’s firing, I assumed that Tony Khan had finally gotten the go-ahead from legal to fire Punk for the Buck’s fight instead of paying him to sit home. I didn’t know till next day that AEW had a Saturday show, had brought Punk back, had apparently given him some sort of creative control and say over who was on the show, etc. Yeah, I don’t get that all. Tony set the whole situation on motion when he let Punk run down his coworkers at the media scrum while he sat there and smiled. I’m more interested in this Saturday night show. Saturday night seems like an uphill battle in 2023 under the best of circumstances and damn stupid during football season. I’m kind of interested in checking it out, but odds are I will forget about it by the weekend.
  3. Hadn’t planned to post here again, but a couple people have reached out and asked about my health. Long story short, I’m as fine as you can be with advanced stage lung cancer. Since the last round of chemo, I’ve felt mostly fine. Scans have been encouraging. I see my oncologist every six weeks for immunotherapy - a half hour of Keytruda run through an iv - but other than that, I’m back to a somewhat normal routine. Been busy lately. Got an opportunity at work, so wife and I are moving to Dallas next month. I’ve been spending a lot of time in TX lately getting ready. It was time to move. Several of our kids have migrated west and we were looking to get out of our gross college town. Nice place to live even ten years ago, but the problems that have always been there have finally taken over. Lotta drugs, lotta addicts, lotta perverts. We no longer felt safe or comfortable in the community, so the job opportunity is a win on all fronts. I hate heat, but so far I’m acclimating to Texas well enough. I’ll manage. Probably my last post. No plans to watch wrestling or log back in in the foreseeable future. Take care.
  4. ESPN says it is going to honor contracts, so Keyshawn can either negotiate a buyout and go work somewhere else, or sit home and be paid by ESPN several more years. I took most talent will end up negotiating buyouts. Talent like Kellerman, Keyshawn, Van Gundy, etc. would probably be awfully attractive to someone looking to make a splash by hiring a big name (Fanduel, for example).
  5. A few months ago, my wife refilled the soap dispenser built into the sink by emptying an entire bottle of liquid soap into It. When it still didn’t work, she called me to look at it. Took me all of sixty seconds to look down into the soap dispenser and realize I could see the floor of the cabinet below. The bottle connected to the dispenser had somehow become unscrewed and was lying at the bottom of the cabinet - next to the puddle of liquid soap my wife just dumped in. No harm done, but it took us awhile to sop up the soapy mess. There were several bottles of various products right below the opening, so lots of things got sticky.
  6. She’s the female Stlng.
  7. She makes it pretty clear that she doesn’t believe the girl and implies several times the the girl has previously made up stories and put the family through a lot. How much stronger of a denial do you want? I’m not saying I necessarily believe her. I don’t know the first thing about Vickie, the girl, or the family situation. I find it impossible to have a valid opinion without more information.. I’m usually inclined to believe accusers, but people lie (now more than ever) and I’m not a rush to judgement type, so I dunno. Bringing up the cars is odd, since it doesn’t seem to have much to do with the accusation one way or the other. In any case, the daughter has since deleted the tweet.
  8. Sorry to hear about your wife, Not that we’re having a contest, but I can lap that, lol. As mentioned previously, i did four rounds of chemo between late November and the last day of January. Then I caught Covid a few weeks later, so, yeah, I’m on a roll. Covid was interesting, Wife and I were somewhat concerned since my immune system was weakened by the chemo, but, welp, we were the only ones. Wife tested positive on Saturday. By Monday, I’m still negative but have a sore throat and congestion. Was scheduled to be at my oncologist the next morning for immunotherapy, so I call them to explain the situation and, surprisingly, am told to come on down unless I actually test positive between now and then. Seems like cavalier advice, but ok. Tested positive the next morning, called oncologist again to see what she wanted me to do and she was pretty causal about it. Didn’t think I needed to go see my gp or get whatever the pill is called, just told me to rest and come in the following week for my appointment. I was a little skeptical, but, as it turned out, that was good advice. Was tired for about two days, had a two day cough and a mild sore throat, but all in all, I’ve had much worse cases of actual flu. Wife and I were mostly symptom free by weekend and both were testing negative by that Sunday. We are up on all our booster shots, but, honestly, I didn’t expect that to do much for me if I did get Covid. I’m also on a steroid to boost my immune system, but I dunno how effective a substitute that is. Anyway, got over it pretty quickly. No lingering symptoms. Still kinda tired from chemo but that’s getting better too.
  9. I wonder the same thing every time people here melt down over some ridiculous tweet by Austin Aries or Flip Kendrick or whoever. Either don’t follow the dude if he’s going to say something that annoys you or just ignore it and don’t give it minutes of your life. Some people seem to enjoy being constantly offended (and want me to know it, lol).
  10. They emphasized that last night. Heyman said a couple times that Jimmy had until Friday to get Jey back in the fold or Roman would take it out on him (Jimmy).
  11. Totally bot on Sami/Jey and didn’t see the turn coming. Figured they would get a couple weeks of Sami/Jey before a turn, if there was a turn. Well played. The crowd completely bought into the hug too.
  12. I thought it was legit and later inspired a parody account, but Google makes it seems like it was never anything but a goof.
  13. Edit: I threw out Andrew Luck as an example of a star quarterback who is relatively well-adjusted, but my wife immediately pointed out that he used to pretend he was a Confederate soldier and write long letters to his mom “from the battlefield”, so, yeah, I am withdrawing his candidacy. My mistake,
  14. Yeah, I can see that. And Russell has always seemed a little out there. I’m a devout Catholic but I’m never been as pushy or public about as Wilson seems to be. I imagine most people at work only know I’m Catholic because I walked around with ashes on my forehead earlier this week (Ash Wednesday) or occasionally am out of the office because I’m over at a local Christian school. It’s not something I bring up much. I generally think your faith is a matter for you and God. No one needs it pushed on them. I apologize if I came off as touchy above. I tend to bristle at the idea being devout makes you nutty. On the other hand, lol, I’m Roman Catholic. Given the behavior of a lot of our clergy. It’s not always easy to argue against the idea.
  15. I’ve never even heard of either comedian. And one of them is the funniest man in America, according to the trailer. Trailers don’t lie, so it must be so, Just another weekly reminder that I am hopelessly uncool. Youth culture has passed me by.
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