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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2014 in all areas

  1. Consider these your only warning on the matter If you are asked by an admin/mod to do something... do so. Don't act surprised when you are suspended/banned for not listening. This website and message board have been around for 15+ years and has been through several incarnations. Many of us are way older and we have attracted a newer auidence (somehow). If you can not accept things have changed - find somewhere else to post. We have a standing policy that if you post "goodbye" posts we would help you stick to your guns and ban you. The same now applies if you bitch about how much you hate it here. It definitely is you... not us. There is a new wonderful bit where people love to say amazingly douchey things to me on places like Twitter and Facebook. If I figure out what your board name is - you are banned. (Not to mention blocked on said social media.)
    19 points
  2. "Hi, I'm Troy McClain! You may remember me from such matches as..."
    7 points
  3. More of a relic. That's Ciler spelled backwards!
    7 points
  4. Frasier was and is a substantially better show than Seinfeld and the passage of time only widens the gap.
    5 points
  5. https://twitter.com/TNADixie/status/512065119942361088 God I love TNA
    5 points
  6. 5 points
  7. Jimmy Hart in Memphis and everything Heenan did as a manager.
    4 points
  8. Seems like it's time for another soothing Scott Norton mega post....
    4 points
  9. Someone better tell the Ravens that when the "Rains of Castemere" play, it's not a good thing.
    3 points
  10. I was living in Boston when The Great Anthrax Scare occurred. I was at work down on the South Shore and got the breaking news about the anthrax scare. I was a little unnerved because, yikes, and was worried about my commute home. So I kept following the events as the day passed and they quickly restarted the mass transit system and talked about how a worker was arrested or whatever because it was his bag of cocaine. They then said his name "Ed Leslie" and I didn't think anything of it past a weird coincidence. Then my roommate called me telling me about how rumor was it was Brutus Beefcake. I absolutely lost it at work crying with laughter. I wish I had a copy of the next day's Boston Herald. I remember Brutus was on the cover in his 80s glory (not a new photo) and it said something like "The Barber of Anthrax" or the like. It was so great.
    3 points
  11. I can't imagine wanting to be coked out while working in a toll booth. When I was young, I thought The Barber was cool. Of course, I also hated Greg Valentine. I'm grown up now.
    3 points
  12. Brutus Beefcake kicked out of Toronto's City Hall when trying to pester Rob Ford. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDj6CAO-eQc
    3 points
  13. Bobby Heenan is far and away the best manager in the history of the business.
    3 points
  14. The Innovatoru ofu Viorence I'm sorry
    3 points
  15. When this game goes up on NFL rewind, they should just dub over Benny Hill's song and be done with it.
    3 points
  16. I wonder what percentage of rovert's posts are telling people he has already posted something in another thread.
    2 points
  17. We all know that the Master of the Powerbomb is actually Sid Vicious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyUSEKeG9qw Damnit Jae, now I'm on a YouTube powerbomb kick.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. @ErikPetersen: If Goodell was any more of a smug rich guy being brought low by needling questions, this would be the last five minutes of Columbo.
    2 points
  20. Sheamus' entire moveset is pretty much finishers. I wish someone would use that uranage-to-the-knee thing he uses as a finisher.
    2 points
  21. I am long on record that 1994 WCW is my favorite thing in wrestling history (and probably in my top 5 in entertainment history) but it's debatable when, exactly that came to an end. Was it the day Hogan came in? Seems logical, but the Clash and Bash at the Beach right after that are both excellent shows. Was it the end of Bash at the Beach when Hogan won the belt? Maybe, but Hogan/Flair was damn good, and Fall Brawl in September was a really good show with a great War Games main event. Was it when Flair "retired" at Halloween Havoc? Getting closer, but there was still so much good going on. No, the best answer is: When Brutus fucking Beefcake main evented Starcade. Fuck him.
    2 points
  22. Take it away, Krusty. . . I think Ms. Joseline has the right answer regarding Mr. Goodell:
    2 points
  23. Well, if this is the place to brag about an entire night's lineup, then I can hang, brothers. Here's what I get tonight on Hallmark: 7:00 - 9:00: When a high school principal (Fred Savage) is out of his depth, he turns to the one person who can help restore order to the troubled students by teaching them the power of dance. Tyne Daley stars in: PRINCIPAL GRANDMA! 9:00-11:00 A mother delves into the dangerous culture of the internet in an attempt to prevent tragedy. Lyndsay Wagner in, MOTHER, MAY I PLANK WITH DANGER? 11:00-3:00 Hallmark after-hours live!: DEEPAK CHOPRA'S CELEBRITY SLUMBER PARTY (guests include Malcolm Gladwell, Michael Ironside, Vicky Lawrence; Musical guest, one of the guys from Strawberry Alarm Clock) Also, fuck you guys so hard.
    2 points
  24. Why, did Mulligan have a little white girl that went missing? Kendall looked like a really ugly Taylor Swift back then. Mulligan seems like he would've been a George Scott guy. When did Scott leave the WWF?
    2 points
  25. Maybe we can adopt a white dot next time we're all on. We can name him Sting.
    2 points
  26. Good call. But, Brutus at least has (or had) a posse in the Hulk-lackey biz. You know at some point, when Hulk went to take a piss, Brutus could make a snide remark about Hulk's doorag being crooked to the Nasty Boys or Jimmy Hart and they all could laugh and laugh to forget the pain of being broken men sucking on Hulk's teet. Then of course, Hulk would come back from the john and they would all be responsible for making sure there were no piss spots there by the Little Hulkster. Plus you know Nick Bollea was an absolute dick to them. But still, UNITY!!!! I mean, Virgil had to go it alone. The hell? At least with a posse, of say Virgil and, I dunno, Jim Neidhart, he could pretend he really wasn't the guy looking at the tentacle porn at the comic-con. I will counter by saying that Brutus didn't even have the sway to be the only manservant The Hulkster required. He couldn't trust Brother Bruti enough to fetch the right lightning-bolt long trunks or gas up the motorcycle. A true good flunky would have boxed out Saggs and Knobbs from doing Hollywood's bidding. "Yo, Hulk, brutha, the Nasties were making fun of your hairline behind your back. They ain't red and yellow, brutha." He let them get on the inside.
    2 points
  27. Wizards and Glass is the fucking best. Blaine the Mono is the best antagonist that King has ever created. FACT~!
    2 points
  28. 95% of them are going to be bootlegs that people bought on Baltimore street
    2 points
  29. Gorilla Monsoon did his best to sell Brutus to us, but he failed miserably. It was pretty obvious that Brutus's WWE Tag-Team championship run was booked by Hogan to protect his buddy. It used to infuriate me that he managed to hold onto a title for as long as he did during their feud with the Bulldogs. I attribute that to the awesomness of Greg Valentine dragging Brutus's sandbagging ass kicking and screaming to victory. Then he went all Barry Darsow in WCW with the multiple gimmicks when Hogan gave him work. You have to earn money, folks, because Crack does not buy itself. We had the Zodiac and the Disciple and the Butcher, and the Bootyman, and the Clipmaster, and at the height of hilarity, The MAN WITH NO NAME~! .I heard he got fired from his NY / NJ Transit job as a toll taker on the GWB because someone found a vial of crack in his uniform. Some dudes just can't be helped. Over the years, the hate I had for Brutus has been replaced by pity. Dude has wrecked his legacy so much that he can't even use past glory to earn a living on the convention circuit.
    2 points
  30. If using glitches to cheat = fun then I am all for Bungie clamping down on fun.
    2 points
  31. In that specific case, I disagree - it's a longer walk. That would be like watching Home Improvement and wondering when the fuck Tim The Tool Man Taylor was gonna smack Jill and those three punks around for always going around his back to get what they want. Beer commercials that play some pop song with the words "I know you want it." repeated over and over, while scantly clad women dance however....
    2 points
  32. Yeah, if we are talking about who is more responsible for domestic incidents alcohol companies shouldn't be judging the NFL at all.
    2 points
  33. If you look closely at the GIF, there was a table he was supposed to land on which would've given him some padding... Banderas just sent him at the wrong angle. FWIW, I'm pretty sure Flanagan actually walked away from that under his own power. They both fell from at least a story willingly. They botched common sense.
    2 points
  34. And the whole feud was set-up b/c Pittman apparently left him to die in the desert during Desert Storm.
    2 points
  35. Wait a second - did they run a #1 contenders tournament with out finishing the actual tag title BFG lite deal? Or did I just miss the Full Metal Mayhem match results in all these spoilers EDIT: From Dave yesterday So that means they are taping out of order... so you either making the champs - a team with a guy who may or may not have agreed to a short term contract - a team teasing breaking up - a team you just named the #1 contenders
    2 points
  36. What's the deal with Norton's arm, did he fight and defeat an octopus?
    2 points
  37. I see your Rocket Monroe and raise you this gentleman.
    2 points
  38. Hops up on the DVDVR table The Bucs just got fucked in the p..... *sees Rippa glaring a hole through my skull* Yes sir, I'll be taking off the first half of the Panthers/Steelers game...
    2 points
  39. Will someboy stop the damn match?
    2 points
  40. Marshall is doing good things with his platform. He seems to have legitimately changed. Let him talk as much as he likes. He's certainly not hurting anyone, and maybe he'll help someone along the way.
    2 points
  41. Nobody draws in WWE except Cena.
    2 points
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