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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2013 in all areas
7 points
A lot of people confuse Big Show with Teddy Hart's cats. So there's that.5 points
I was hoping Mark Henry would stand on the steps, pick up the ring, and dump the other 19 guys out.4 points
I would be really in to a story based around Teddy Hart's cats forming up like voltron in to Big Show. They could do a moonsault, but the impact would shatter them back in to just an army of cats.4 points
3 points
So Lance Storm ISN'T judging the male stripper contest?!? Shit these plane tickets better be refundable.3 points
Guys two awesome things. 1) Albert might get tv time. Slim chance, but might. 2) I watched the match on youtube and Albert gets draped over the second rope like the 619. The Bellas give him a running double butt bump, which he sells by standing up, swatting away an USO, and then begging them for another. 3) Albert owns.3 points
...because I just found out I've almost got a check coming to me from Google for the ads. THE NEW GENERATION ERA PROJECT IS BACK! This time..it's for the money. For those who are new to the board or didn't read the thread last time on the old board, I've been working on a project for apparently 20 years, in which I watch pretty much all of the WWF programming from 1993 to the beginning of the Attitude Era(an ending that I'm not actually sure about when it is). During this project I've discovered many things, like Matt Borne's Doink the Clown is one of the best wrestlers in the company, and that Bret Hart and Ric Flair had a really great Iron Man match that was fancam'd. Go check it out. And feel free to post thoughts about whatever you see from this era, here. So any matches I should make sure to watch as I come to them, or if you go over old blog posts and want to tell me I said something stupid, FEED ME MORE. Anyway, enough with the introductions let's go: YEAH YEAH YEAH HEAVENLY BODIES ARE AWESOME LUDVIG BORGA BLEEDS DOINK GOES HOME ALONE ON BAM BAM BIGELOW & OH MY GOD THAT'S AL SNOW! It can only be... WWF SUPERSTARS 10.02.1993: http://jaedmc.blogspot.com/2013/08/the-wwf-new-generation-era-project.html Kind of not very important show. They're moving forward with this prankster Doink push, which..whatever Bigelow is kind of the perfect foil for that, since he's agile, and would be the guy people would most be afraid of pulling a prank on for fear for dying. Lots of Mr. Nanny commercials in this. Does anyone know the time line of when Hogan was for sure gone from the company? It wasn't the night Yoko, beat him right? Were they still in negotiations at this point? I guess I could google that, but I know someone will come through. Also, anyone know a really great Heavenly Bodies match from Smoky Mountain Wrestling? I would assume they did even better work there as a top team in epic tags.2 points
Oh, I dunno, the match against Vic Grimes when he tried to do a splash off the top of a ladder and faceplanted on the ring apron was entertaining.2 points
Big Show oversells superplexes to the point where he causes the ring to explode. Davey Richards still hasn't figured out how a superplex is supposed to work.2 points
Going to hope I can overcome my pure disdain for this guy and watch the Bigfoot episode.2 points
2 points
WHY DON'T YOU TELL THEM NOT TO BREATHE?! That Moneypak trojan is a motherfucker to deal with and hard for anti-virus programs to detect.2 points
2 points
Holy shit, dude People deal with shit in different ways. You don't have to justify your coping mechanisms to anybody. Just keep doing what you do, so long as it works for you. Stay strong, man. You got a lot of friends here, and we're pulling for you.2 points
I was raised to believe that life doesn't give you more than you can handle. That said, it sure bends you over a barrel and leaves you out to dry. The time we get with those we love is deserved. Don't ever think otherwise, Marty. If your mother survived that health scare 12 years ago, it was for lots of good reasons. Your kids got to know their grandma. That's a huge reason, and those memories will be in your family forever. That's a good thing. Sometimes, you just have to shut yourself off emotionally, just a bit. It doesn't make you bad or uncaring. Rather, it's a self-defense mechanism. The world is a good place (IMO) but it can kick you around without mercy at times. So that's when free will comes in and you have to have mercy on your own psyche. Obviously, you care. Just don't push yourself beyond your rope. That's no good for anyone. Everyone, as much as we hate to admit it, knows when we're extended beyond our limitations. Your mother went through this once, and it seems that she's trying to be realistic about what may happen. That's hard to comprehend when it comes to good parents who we want to live to 200. But that's not how it works, obviously. As morbid as it may be, at least your mom is in a position to help guide you toward her wishes, should they be needed. That can help more than we realize, as much as it hurts in the moment. Sometimes, we just don't have the answer. And that's okay. Just do what you can, and know that's enough, and that you're enough. We're all enough, even we're not smart enough to know it. Be well.2 points
2 points
2 points
No, I don't remember any of that. I remember a movie that kicked 75 different kinds of ass, and got pretty much everything perfect.2 points
If being good and going to heaven means that I can't like Bad Grandpa, then fuck it, I'll be terrible too. I love watching Jackass movies in the theater. It's so comforting and cathartic knowing that you're in an auditorium with 300 others who have a sense of humor and are comfortable in knowing that their ticket to hell was punched a long time ago.2 points
The theme here is addictive substances that rot your teeth? Ohhhhh....2 points
At some point Heisenberg might have simply been a role Walter was playing, but I think we are well beyond it now.2 points
Random chain of IMDB hunting leads to another installment of "OLD PEOPLE YOU SHOULD LOVE" I was watching an episode of COLUMBO where Martin landeau plays identical twins who orchestrate a murder and there was a great old lady playing a housekeeper who keeps screaming at Peter Falk and calling him a bum. Just another old lady in some 70s show? It's never just another old lady. Anytime an old lady steals a scene, I am on the case. There are thousands of them, yes. But each one is special. They all have some magical place in the history of it all: Mean old Columbo-hating lady ended up being Jeanette Nolan. IMDB gives her 197 acting credits. Yes 197 credits...ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY SEVEN. So take a few minutes and dive into the life of Jeanette Nolan., a life that included roles from 1948 to 1998. Fifty solid years. Bear in mind that her first role...her youngest role in film (she had already acted for years on radio), was a turn as Lady Macbeth at the age of 37. By "a turn as Lady Macbeth" I mean she played Lady Macbeth in ORSON WELLES' INSANE FILM VERSION OF MACBETH!!!!! Here big scene is at 1:40 here: "all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand..." That was her first screen role. not bad. Her last role? Playing Robert Redford's mother in THE HORSE WHISPERER. Jesus, shit Cain and Abel! What a pair of bookends for someone most people have never heard of! In between is the usual sea of television roles including multiple turns as "creepy lady" on THE TWILIGHT ZONE and ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS. For those closer to my age, she and her real-life husband played Dan Fielding's parents, who he is ashamed of because they are hicks, on NIGHT COURT. The NIGHT COURT thing was something of a inside joke. She and her husband often appeared together as old hillbillies. He, himself has 140 IMDB credits, almost all westerns and almost all some version of "craggly old man" or "mean old judge" and he easily deserves a separate post. But not tonight. Most intriguingly, though, she had her own show for about a season. It was the only ever official spinoff of GUNSMOKE and it sounds like the greatest idea ever. It was called DIRTY SALLY and if you aren't comfortable googling "dirty + sally" I'll paste the synopsis, since it is completely bananas: Here she is as Dirty Sally. I mean, COME ON. How is this not still on? It's like THE INCREDIBLE HULK (yes, she was on an episode of that too) but with a crazy old bag lady in the wild west. You can get a taste of her in the role from the original GUNSMOKE episode that set up the spinoff. She shows up around 10:27: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ-zNapkYOU Absolutely Bananas. Other Highlights along the way include THE BIG HEAT: Prominent Voice over work in THE RESCUERS and THE FOX AND THE HOUND: and perhaps most awesomely as the evil three-fingered Grandma spy in CLOAK AND DAGGER: One of the greatest movies of all time. Her son played Alan Freed in AMERICAN HOT WAX and HOLY SHIT JEANETTE NOLAN IS ON AN EPISODE OF THRILLER THAT IS ON MY T.V, RIGHT NOW! SHE IS EVERYWHERE!!!!! (if everywere = MeTv reruns which it pretty much does for me). One special note: In 1938 she also did what sounds like an amazing turn in a one-off radio play penned by the great Norman Corwyn called THE PLOT TO OVERTHROW CHRISTMAS. If you don't know Norman Corwyn and you fancy yourself some kind of profound writerly type, get on the ball and look up his old radio plays and speeches. Especially his inspirational WWII "We can do it!" copy. He is one of the great American writers to ever work exclusively to "the masses" and should be way more famous than he is today. Ray Bradbury called him “…the greatest director, the greatest writer and the greatest producer in the history of radio.” THE PLOT TO OVERTHROW CHIRSTMAS is not a Bill O'Reilly special, yet. It is a rhyming radio play about an army of hell ghosts gathering in hell and planning to kill Santa Claus (Okay, so maybe allegorically it is the Bill O'Reilly special that is playing on a loop in Bill O'Reilly's own brain). The army is made up of Nero, Mephistopholes, Ivan The Terrible, Caligula, Lucrezia Borgia (played by our own Jeanette Nolan), and Simon LeGree...Yes. Caligula, Lucrezia Borgia and Simon Legree from UNCLE TOM'S FUCKING CABIN are IN HELL conspiring THE DEATH OF SANTA CLAUS. That's some serious shit for little kids to hear on the radio on Christmas Eve in the midst of the Great Depression. They send Nero to do the deed, but at the last second he repents when Santa teaches him about the true meaning of Christmas and gives him a new violin. Did I mention that all the dialog is metered and rhymes? Fuck the Grinch. This shit is madness.2 points
2 points
I went into this G1 as someone who hadn't followed New Japan in a long time; I'm now a card-carrying NJPW fanboy. Just so much great wrestling and so many fun wrestlers ... I didn't want Naito to take it all mainly because he's apparently not fully recovered from his knee injury, and the possibility of re-injury would really suck after the big push he's had. That said, he's a good, sympathetic babyface who could take Tanahashi's spot one day. And as far as his lack of selling goes: well, he's a guy who does a lot of flips and flying. If you work his leg the entire match, his only options are to either completely change the way he fights or to ignore the legwork while on offense. The crowd didn't seem to mind, so why should I? I really liked the Davey Boy/Lance Archer match. Davey is getting really good and Archer is a perfectly serviceable gaijin monster heel. When you look back at the US careers of these guys thus far, it's obvious that they just weren't given the right opportunities. Them being total bros before and after the match made me smile. And maybe I'm just weird, but the 6-man prior to the final is actually a strong contender for my favorite match of the entire tournament. It might be because the face team was so WAR-like in its composition. It might be because I fucking love Ishii's work. Or it might be because Iizuka's schtick amuses me. Whatever reason, I really, really liked the match, clusterfuck that it was.2 points
Shelf life, yes like everything, but roiding up and bashing fake russians was not unsustainable. Eight years of Reagan says otherwise.2 points
Like "Here's the new Horseman Paul Roma!" NECKBREAKER DIE "Just kidding it was Rick Rude"2 points
2 points
But it means we get to see him start a match with headlock take downs and monkeyflips while JBL says something like "John Cena can wrestle when he wants to, Michael." Shit he may even do a missile dropkick if we're lucky.1 point
VPW 2 still has the greatest tag team matches in any wrestling game I've ever played. Singles matches were usually short and not so great but tag matches were almost always amazing.1 point
1 point
Hoo boy - there are only so many masturbation jokes you can make in a hour1 point
1 point
1 point
You know we all know. Just post a picture of him already. Ron's at 202, think bigger pal!1 point
One of the great tragedies of the scope of the show getting bigger is the diminished role of Badger and Skinny Pete. Those guys are great. Them infiltrating the NA meeting to sell meth and accidentally getting sober in the process was such an underrated moment in the history of the show. (Although I guess they didn't stick with it...)1 point
1 point
Or this one... Or this one... Or this one... Or this one... I actually remember that last one. All of which just goes to show that there is life after TV commercials.1 point
BJW guys looks like they're going to star in the live-action sequel to Cromartie High. They'd need Don Frye as Freddie. And Akira Maeda as Akira Maeda.1 point
1 point
Being from the UK makes it hard to see Paige rolling out of her boyfriend's truck to brain a girl outside of an Applebee's. She has the look for it but her accent disqualifies her.Paige looks like she'd hang out with dudes who would sell fake molly to chavs outside a lesser-tier club in a lesser-tier English city. If and when the chav crew stepped up, Paige would destroy the girl and take her can of cider.1 point
1 point
The unlikely love affair Some lucky fans get to meet JADO Interesting Wall Makabe meets a guy BJW's cooler than your favourite promotion Milano's Mr Happy is bigger than yours1 point
It worked for this guy. By "worked" do you mean didn't work? Cause, yeah, it didn't work. I don't know where you live but everywhere I go I hear Jesus this and Jesus that. This guy is over like rover, and he hasn't even had any tv time in like 8 years.1 point
1 point
Rippa won Twitter last night: "Hoo boy - watching Impact now is like reading an issue of the WON. My wrestling is getting interrupted by the MMA. - Rippa" Honorable Mention: "I really think the lack of Affliction gear is what is truly preventing this segment from getting over - Rippa"1 point
1 point
"What I'd like to have right now is for all you fat, out of shape, DVDVR dildos to pipe down while I take off this suit and show the ladies what a real sexy man looks like." There's your quote.1 point
1 point
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